Why do car companies purposely make every new entry into an alternative fuel the most butt-fugly thing you have ever seen? Coincidence? I think not.
So I don't really understand whats wrong with this commercial. There were sexy male hamsters in the last commercial, but now there is a problem in having sexy female hamsters? What double standard are you talking about? I think you should have an explanation as to why you think you are qualified to disseminate an…
You sound like you'd be super fun at parties. I'd buy a K900 over an E-Class.
Nissan JUST announced the Micra for Canada.......LOOK FAMILIAR?
The point I was trying to make was that they were not around anymore and they haven't been for 20+ years. You're more than welcome to come to the party I'm having tonight but I'd most likely end up kicking you out over being a pedantic son of a bitch with all of my guests.
Who the hell asked you?
1. Toronto Police cars havent been yellow since the 70's
This is a grim reminder of how technology makes it so easy for everyone to become a witch hunter. It was an accident and no charges were laid, the girl wasn't drunk, and yet, just because shes a regular instagraming teenager, we have to put her face on a public forum to endanger her own safety? This is crazy Gawker,…
As an employee of Mitsubishi, Im not objecting.
Finally, a positive article about Mitsubishi!
I could get a lot of flack for this, but I am going to have to say the Mercedes-Benz C-Class/BMW 3 Series.
I realize that although they may be great cars in terms of engineering/technology/all-around German goodness, but seriously, I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the amount of people I know that drive…
I so badly wanted to post this article on my FB wall, but as an employee of Mitsubishi, I can't in risk of making myself look dumb. I really don't see why Jalopnik has such a hatehardon for Mits. The Galant was discontinued, the Mirage is one of the most fuel efficient (and inexpensive) subcompacts in Canada and the…
Oh yes it is.
You don't belong here if you actually think that.