It’s nice that Ruth Negga is new to people.
It’s nice that Ruth Negga is new to people.
This fuckwad needs his career over, and this needs to happen years ago.
“body diversity and age inclusivity.”
Meh- differnt strokes, Judge Judy
Nothing says George Michael like a slow, depressing song and no movement.
I’m going to be totally honest with you: I would not have been prepared to knowingly care for a child with such a disability. I don’t have it in me. I’ve met mostly high-functioning people with Down syndrome and they are absolutely wonderful people. I also realize that Down Syndrome has a spectrum and some people are…
Another great headline today:
This is what happens when your only two categories are “violent Islamic extremist terrorist” and “perfectly swell white guy”
I think a lot of the complaints people have has to do with the way the features of Pokémon GO have been built from the beginning.
The PVP system relies on an asynchronous minigame to reduce the strain on their servers, much like the reason why the original tracking was removed was due to it flooding the servers with a…
None of that is actual spoilage...just contamination.
She’s so freakin’ cute!
Current level of excitement...
I think it’s incredibly reductive to take actions like these and say “IT’S TRUMP’S FAULT.” First off, the shooter chose to pull the trigger. Second, there’s possibly a contributory factor there. But if my roof is damaged by a snowfall, which of the flakes do I blame? It’s the accumulation that is to blame. By choice…
Yup. I love my country, but Canada is far from utopia. Example 1:
Able to lift up to 25 pounds as required to support THE CLIENT
We can only be satisfied with the long-form version, though.
Salma was born in a wealthy Mexican family, she has been full of privilege since always. All she has been saying here about her struggles when she came to work to USA are lies. Yes, she is an ass.
Jeebus, I’m so glad that in between his 7 hours of TV a day and tearing the country apart with his shitty executive orders he has time to be this fucking petty.
Shouldn’t gender and race be open to self determination? I’m mixed Asian-white, both of those cultures have a “one drop” type attitude. Typically, to Asians, i’m white. To white people i’m Asian. I don’t really see any way around it other than self determination. Otherwise, my race would change depending on if the…