

I love that they take turns being Kim or Kanye!

jez only posted about animals, scary stories, tay, 1d and danrad it would be like, my internet heaven

Read that with an apostrophe and thought, "Madonna's Badger. Is that what we're calling beavers of a certain age?" And then had to read the article to find out Oprah is not, in fact, obsessed with Madonna's vagina.

Also, fuck this guy for trying to claim this as BDSM. BDSM is all about consent and comfort of your partner. You never punch someone in the face as soon as they walk in the door without prior consent or discussion (I am not saying this as a joke). I'm so sick of people claiming unwanted violence as sexual kink.

I'm still getting used to a weekend schedule that involves me being locked in a small office, alone, for 12 hours waiting on work that may or may not come in. But it's not all bad: I can surf the web or read a book or do body weight exercises. It does make me wish Jezebel posted more on the weekends though.

This story has literally no one to root for.

Yeah, it's one way and it's also a very overrated one. If you are an actor as your career, you need to be able to give a performance whether you're feeling it or not. Because it's your job and, in the case of someone like Shia, the livelihoods of your costars and the crew depend on it. Maybe that doesn't sound

Dear Isha,

If they want to ignore them, that's fine. It's for everyone else reading who would think they were right if no other facts were presented.

Anyone who saw a Ke$ha video and made life decisions based on it were probably not on a path to that de-luxe apartment in the sky. She's an entertainer, playing a character as part of her medium. Stop being dumb.

Can someone register or something and start listing benign information about Jimmy John's?

I wouldn't buy a book from someone on YouTube. I would however buy a book written by the guys from That Guy With The Glasses. Doug and Rob Walker, Louis "Linkara" Lovehaug, Noah "Spoony" Antwiller, Lindsey "Nostalgia Chick" Ellis, etc. These folks have done a lot of funny reviews, sketches and other videos, including

Again I pose the question: Why are you reading this

Maybe I'm nuts, but I see that Chastian comment as a criticism of lazy casting and by no means throwing shade at Streep.

Or This is the End.

I'm so excited for the new season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANT WAIT!!!!

Wait. Are you the guy? Are you the guy who managed to make it 20+ years without having seen an egg cooked in any way but scrambled?

Hi! So the story you're commenting about was mine.

I got a boob job and liposuction on Thursday. Having boobs is WEIRD. I'm healing up nicely, though, and this gave my mother an opportunity to come take care of me and patch up our relationship. Also the cat is being nice and doesn't jump on me that much.