
Are you serious? Greatest movie of all time? idontwanttoliveinthisworldanymore.jpeg

There's a Spartan II in Halo Reach, Jorge, and he's fucking HUGE.

T-DOG, the token black character stand-in until Michonne, just because the comics didn't have a black guy (that always stays with the group) until Michonne. RIP.

http://youtu.be/43734644 This is a video I made using pherofluid , no cgi or anything, just color correction. Enjoy.

Not to mention Solid and Liquid were super soldiers created by the US Gvt using Big Boss's DNA, not some random kid, who btw is Chico....Jesus Christ people, know your lore.

Corporations, slowly indoctrinating your subconscious.

Im pretty sure the eyes are adjustable...