You mean to tell me this article is less deserving of our precious time and insight than an article about Grumpy Cat releasing his own brand of coffee?

"Selfish Jerks Are Genetically Predisposed to Cancer, Heart Disease."

In the stories I've read, it sounds like perpetrators use the dude as an excuse to beat him up and rape the woman—i.e. clearly the woman is being a "slut" by hanging out with a dude.

I feel like a kid who just found out that there is no Santa...

Well, thank you internet.

Cats are an invasive species, after all, who have sunk their claws into the most invasive species of all...us!

I was really surprised when I read that. isn't the beast supposed to be liberal drivel like my favorite website? (its Jezebel. Jezebel is my favorite website.)

While there are certainly arguments for and against the practice, the strongest evidence for it seeems tied to hygiene, as even the evidence that it reduces penile cancer is shoddy, at best. Research still isn't conclusive, apparently.

Ugh, so your argument is that it's unclean, and they might get a bunch of STD's before they turn 18? When they could choose to lob it off.

You can think that, but it's really not true....

I remember this letter. I was maybe 16, and at an all girls high school. I wasn't going to meet any guys any time soon since I didn't party (and parties in the NYC private school scene are PARTIES), but I was still stressed out about losing my virginity. This letter helped me calm down. Jamie Buffalino's advice was a

It's a doberman. Let it have its ears.

I find it reassuring when ladies (such as Tina Fey, who lost her v-card at 25) are open about not having sex until their 20s. There seems to be a weird line, where in high school everyone says "DON'T have sex! You don't want to ruin your life!" and in college where everyone says, "What do you mean you HAVEN'T had

When I was a 19 year old virgin I jokingly referred to myself as a "volcano girl," as in I would be the first thrown into a volcano if the need arose. I fooled around a lot before finally having vaginal sex, I never mentioned my technical virginal status, it just didn't seem like any of their business.

".you will simply live your Intermix-clad, iPod-accessorized, O.C.-obsessed life"

But yet you cared to comment...

I'm totally convinced all fashion magazines are just big catalogs. Buy this new purse. Buy this make up. How many eyelid primers do you need? Do we really need 1,000 different brands of argon oil? They get what they feature as samples or gifts from the manufacturers, and whatever they like (or, more deviously, whoever

Guys, her last name is Tuff. Come on! If her name was in a book or movie people would be like, "Oh, please. Too obvious".