Note: The cropped graphic here on Jezebel actually undersells the gender-imbalance, by leaving out many more rows of nothing but men (click through to see the full graphic for comparison). You could be forgiven for thinking the Democrats were almost at parity from the top of this page*, though alas, that is not nearly

In Islam, a woman can divorce her husband if he does not have sex with her. Even if he *can't* have sex with her due to some medical condition.

Next week: wealthy Manhattanites hire veteran amputees to get around waiting lists for their own desired wedding venues.

Actually, he did both: first the Torture Memo parsed the U.S. torture statute and Convention Against Torture to say that if it didn't result in organ failure, extreme pain, or maiming it could be "cruel and inhuman treatment" but NOT torture, and then in a later letter from Yoo to Gonzales the argument was made that

Its almost as if you haven't made it as a person until white people want to bang you.

There is one woman I know who is hoping they make the right decision on this. She was raped as a youth, and had to endure the horror of telling her parents only to discover that when she became pregnant by the act, they refused to allow her to abort.

If we do the right thing, we put the power of reproduction (or lack

Vampire child.

"In fact, extreme tightness is more likely to be vaginismus, not virginity"

A fan of a specific (relation)ship. Usually romantic/sexual, but not always. Fangirl Nation is a shipping-based economy, and occasionally wars are fought. In GoT fandom the closest thing you have to war is maaaaybe Jaime/Brienne shippers vs Twincest shippers. In HP fandom, I believe actual violence may have broken out

all too often, domestic violence is treated as something "private," a matter between couples best resolved behind closed doors.

Flop sweat.

I did a Google image search and the white version seems to be the most common. But I did find one of it, in all its glory.

Peggy seemed to find the joke funny - she was just so consumed with her job that she couldn't see the forest for the trees until Ted pointed it out.

I understand that this may not be the main reason for Don's infidelity, but I feel like its at least a minor part: in the last season it seems like his compromise for helping Megan jump-start her career is for him to go back to cheating. Despite being a despicable character, I've always loved Don and had sympathy for

Which species can actually digest each other's milk? You know, human babies can't digest cow's milk, can cat babies digest dog milk? Does it have the right nutrient/protein/fat mix? Can human babies digest dog milk? How fast would CPS get there if you let your kid nurse on a dog? Inquiring minds ...

"So leave your murderous rage where it belongs. At home."