OK, but my original point was that Jezebel and other places seem to regard submissive rape fantasies as totally ok, and healthy, and not problematic. But by your logic they're not. There's a massive difference in the degree of potential harm, should a blurring between fantasy and reality actually take place, but

I think your experience ties in to what I mentioned to another poster: in most BDSM that I've seen the "victim" is portrayed as enjoying it, despite their protestations. As long as we recognise that it's deeply wrong to asssume such a thing IRL then I don't see it as a problem.

You make some good points, but when you say that a submissive fantasy can never spiral out of control, is that really true? The person having that fantasy is never going to go too far and hurt somebody else, but surely they could end up hurting themselves? If we assume that someone fantasising about rape could, as you

Haha, thanks for that pearl of wisdom highschool psychology teacher. I'm sure you're aware, however, that correlation can <i>suggest</i> causation. Like Bobloblaw I was suggesting that the harmful effects of pornography are very much an open area of debate. I think it's not impossible that there are some, but if you

You seem to be making an argument against porn itself there, but there's that whole thing where porn is more available now than ever before by many orders of magnitude, yet sexual violence rates are dropping. So it seems like more porn is the answer. :P

Hey, you're a moderator right? Is there still a place for us to post tips? I think that dude who made the twitter comment a while back about ignoring gender politics didn't like being called out on it.

Hmm, maybe they detected I was already using firefox and so only offered me that version? Devious. Or maybe I missed the other browser versions.

What cassiebear said. Unfortunately you'll need to use firefox, but on the plus side if it's just that one ad you don't like Adblock lets you get rid of it by right-cliking and keep the rest of the ads.

Sloths use their claws for hanging (like hooks), not fighting, so I doubt they are particularly sharp. Kitty seemed fine.

I can see the pic, the place looks great.

Oops, there was supposed to be text with that clip. Oh well, I guess my attempt at humour is best left untyped.

Hah! I didn't even pick up that it was "vagina powder". That does make it a little more icky, but also funnier. And good catch about the car salesman thing, it really was a great scene.

I remember that, and thinking it seemed like a transaction, which makes a lot more sense with Tracie's analysis in this article.

Maybe "natural" is the wrong word, but surely it's predictable? In the same way that people who suffer abuse can sometimes end up perpetuating that abuse, we can see it as a consequence without excusing the behaviour.

Personally I see it more as a "necessary evil" kinda thing. Yeah, most of the time if a women is wary of a guy nothing is going to happen. But most of the time if you leave your doors unlocked no one is going to break in, that doesn't mean it isn't sensible to take precautions. Yeah, it sucks for us dudes sometimes,

"How fast would CPS get there if you let your kid nurse on a dog?"

Maybe, providing a C-section rather than abortion is what solves that issue for me. Once it's out of there then it has it's own bodily autonomy and isn't violating anyone else's. There's an argument that an abortion is still safer than delivery, or inducing labour or whatever, so the mother should still be able to

And if you withhold your blood, or your organs, or bone marrow, from someone who is dying you are affecting them just as much as if you withhold your uterus. We have the right to control our own bodies. All of us, all the time.

Finally I know what Tracy Moore looks like and will be able to tell her and other Tracy apart.