You know what’s a good way to determine if there is a genuine need for food? If the beings carrying the food away are humans.
You know what’s a good way to determine if there is a genuine need for food? If the beings carrying the food away are humans.
I agree; I’m bipolar as well and can. not. sleep. without Seroquel. And of course, not sleeping makes a manic attack a near-certainty. Being out of Seroquel would be my worst nightmare. :(
I think if she had remarried and had other children, she would have been out there with form-fitting lycra in her pregnancies, and looking like a million bucks.
Thanks for that. I didn’t know about the buildings east of downtown. I often end up walking home along St. Mary Street on errand days, and I pass the “Chapel”, which almost always had piles of boxes in it, it struck me as more of a storeroom than a chapel, lol. There also seemed to be an issue with them not…
Some of the fundamental teachings. As she said to Colbert the other evening, and as other critics have said, the first few “courses” you take for free cover very basic communication skills, recognizing emotions within yourself and others, how they can be harmful, etc. Some of it is Social Psych 101, though they…
Can you tell me more about the Toronto org? I live downtown, about two blocks from their main building. It’s right on Yonge Street, the main drag, surrounded by newly building condo towers. It’s been boarded up for at least 5 years now, accumulating fines from the City for not following through on their development…
She didn’t have trouble getting roles.
Remini was born into it, she was raised as a little child inside Scientology by her parents and other relatives. That’s why it was so brave of her to leave; and they are all such a tight family that they left with her.
Nicole Kidman had no trouble whatsoever getting roles after Tom Cruise divorced her, and his lackeys went to work on the kids. She was nominated for her first Oscar for Moulin Rouge mere months after the divorce, she went on to another nom for The Hours two years later, she made movie after movie in the first five…
I never add it to the card, b/c I think a lot of owners/managers are really stingy with handing out tips correctly. How would s/he know who provided the service for which receipt?
I always hand a cash tip to the person who did my service at the hair, waxing and nail salons. I don’t trust the greedy fuckers who run (especially) the nail salons around here.
Sorry! I read “15 minutes”.
Can you tell me the purpose/benefit of a 15-minute plank?
I was watching Oprah in November 1988, the week she walked onstage in skinny jeans, happy as fuck, rolling that wagon filled with fat behind her. Meanwhile, my mother was in the hospital dying; a woman who fought her weight all her life. After her second cancer surgery in September she started losing weight too…
We must be able to hire a stone engraver to visit Scalia’s grave. ;)
A friend of a friend posted it on facebook a few months ago, and I SWEAR, I made myself a sandwich, sat at my desk, and had my lunch while watching it over and over and over.
OMFG, that gif never, EVER, gets old.
She had lots of jewelry, stocks and cash of her own, from her family’s investments, long before she even married Charles. The divorce settlement was a big part of the kids’ inheritance, yes, but she wasn’t a pauper before she married him.