
This is just like the AG firings by Nixon. Everyone rallied and defeated him.

Indeed, he’s channeling Nixon:

How does Kushner stomach proto-Nazi Bannon being such a close adviser to his father-in-law??


It’s good to provide a concrete example to others, you shitty asshole.

So, Americans will pay for the wall through higher import taxes? I don’t think that’s what his voters thought would happen.

Jesus, she’s delightful.

The ‘Burbs is sooo good, what a great guilty pleasure movie. I put it on when I’m feeling down, but now I’m afraid it will make me feel down, watching Carrie.

Good grief.

I thought her performance was ethereal. Among people who loved Arrival, I think her performance will be remembered for a long time to come.

He isn’t officially called a Nazi because he refuses to say whether or not he agrees with his father Hutton Gibson, a noted Holocaust denier. He simply replies passive-aggressively “That man never lied to me”.

I am in love with Arrival. I’m a huge science fiction fan anyway, but it struck me like no sci-fi film ever has. I’m really disappointed that Amy Adams wasn’t nominated.

“The performance was in not just a sci-fi movie, but a complex, cerebral one that not a whole lot of people saw”

You only have to worry about it if you consort with Nazis.

I’m seeing this all over facebook the last few days, posts by men and women. They must have had a meeting. I tell them it’s INSURANCE, and it works the same as CAR INSURANCE, where I am sure they have no trouble paying for others’ mistakes and accidents. :grrrrrr



Canadian here, not necessarily a royalist, but I feel I should clarify. The party where Harry was wearing the Nazi outfit was apparently some kind of “horror” party, i.e. dress up as a horror character. I think no one from the Royal Family should ever go near Nazi regalia, but just to put it into some kind of context

The only explanation I can think of is, he can’t watch her and her sister without thinking of gorillas. Racist.

“forged that client’s signature on at least two cash receipts.”