
Yes, they made it sound like any other official outing, as if it was planned ahead of time, and streets were blocked off, blahblahblah. It’s why he did them spur of the moment, so almost no one was inconvenienced, and he was relatively safe.

It’s so outrageous, it makes my eyes water.

Are you saying the agents pay themselves? Or the Secret Service pays Trump Air for their seats? This is how his entire campaign was organized - people donated to his campaign, and that money was funneled into his pockets  - Trump charged the campaign for things like office rental at Trump Tower and everywhere else

Those expeditions weren’t a big security issue, though. He decided on the spur of the moment, grabbed his Secret Service guard, and walked out the door. With no notice at all (including not telling any West Wing employees, I read somewhere), there is little need to ramp up security; no one would have known beforehand,

Mia was 21, Sinatra was 51 when they married. She had almost no hair, a tiny pixie cut. She is the spitting image of Ronan:

Except he’s Irish, speaking in the Irish legislature. Separate country.


I’m just a Canadian, but don’t you have mid-terms coming up in November 2018? I’d say to start getting organized now, the inevitable fuck-ups * may make it easier to upturn the Republican congress and Senate.

That’s the most important point for me. The same with going to a nail salon. Many owners don’t give their employees the tip, or the whole tip, that you leave on a credit or debit bill. I always bring cash for this reason.

Jeez, I’m Canadian, and I can’t bring myself to watch it. Or the wet orange anal plug’s speech, I might never watch that.

Yeah, that’s been my understanding for years, that these kind of regulations are driven by the huge California market, where emissions standards are gold standard.

“He argued that women should be punished for exercising their right to choose.”

“He’s made virtually no effort to get his voters to the polls, instead relying on a Republican party that is being badly outspent”

And he smiled while doing it, lol.

“The original sentence was overturned after it was discovered that the jury foreman had been a victim of statutory rape.”  WTF?  First of all, WTF?  You can’t serve on a jury for a plain assault trial if you’ve been assaulted?  Second, isn’t that the job of his lawyers, to vet jury members beforehand?  Wouldn’t that

A surgical mask won’t keep you from breathing in germs, you can still catch them in the mucous membranes of your eyes. Also, the germs can get in around the mask, since it isn’t airtight on your face. A surgical mask will help keep you from spreading germs if you are sick, which is why some hospitals query you about

I live around the corner from their 10-story building in Toronto. It’s been shuttered for 3 or 4 years now, they are racking up fines from the city for sitting empty, dark and unused. They keep promising the city: “Next year we will finish the work”.

Google and the internet is why they have been losing membership hand over fist in the last 10 years. Tony Ortega has been keeping up with them here for years: tonyortega.org