Each week in his repartee gets longer and longer, lol.
Each week in his repartee gets longer and longer, lol.
Agreed, I'm not watching it, lol.
I saw this last night - post #17 killed me. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php…
Live your life. Most cancers are just bad luck: http://time.com/3651785/cancer…
"Wear your seatbelt when you're at your seat." My dad, an RCAF jet electronics crew chief, burned this into my brain when I was young. He especially liked to tell the story of a window blowing out, resulting in a passenger being sucked out, skinned on the way. Truth or not, I always buckle up when sitting.
People are phoning and threatening them? There are people who think they're aiding and abetting terror as well as getting some free advertising?? People so dumb they wouldn't think "how unfortunate that business' old truck ended up being sold to these guys"???
I'm just a Canadian. Which is the right-winger? Beige suit?
I disliked him right from the start; I was convinced his voice was an affectation and I didn't like his interview style.
In Canada, he can chose judge-only.
I'm so sorry, I really know what it's like to struggle like that. It makes me really angry when people fly to the assumption that people who kill themselves are selfish. Years ago I worked at a hospital where a doctor killed herself, in a hotel room by herself downtown to (it was said) spare her family from finding…
Ghomeshi leaves the courthouse:
Everything's over. I went out to get some drycleaning and the helicopter veered off as I was walking down Yonge Street. According to the guy who lives next door (he works at College Park), if a famous name comes to court, they will often take him right in front of the judge, to get the hassle over with, since the…
There's now a news helicopter over the College Park courthouse. I can see and hear it from my apartment window.
According to Robyn Doolittle, the hearing is over, it must have been at noon or noon-thirty. Publication ban is in place, so there's no way of knowing what his lawyer sounded like, unfortunately.
WHY am I still in the greys, sob?
The court hearing is over, he got 100,000 dollars bond, has to live with his mother, surrender his passport. The timing was uncertain, according to Robyn Doolittle; here's her twitter:
Same with the CTV front page: http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/jian-gh… "He is handcuffed, will be taken to a holding cell . . . then will make his way upstairs to the courtroom, still handcuffed." HAHAHAHAHA.
Picture of what looks like Ghomeshi in the back of a police car on the front page of the Toronto Star. I can't find this picture anywhere else yet: http://www.thestar.com/
She also made a very public and offensive joke about him seemingly moments before he called her up to represent him. So her judgment isn't always the best: http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2014/…
Wow, 3 blocks from me. Too bad I'm allergic to standing room only locations.