
I think that's a distance of more than 48 inches.

Please eat the food that friends and family offer you. Albert is right, go to their homes hungry. I don't know where you live, but if you can, try going to a small specialty grocery store and just looking at what they have on the canned and bottled goods shelves, if you can't do much cooking yet. Please stop eating

I was scrolling through, thinking "where's that Rob Ford gif?!??"

Why on Earth would it seem funny at first?

Fuck you. Signed, Born in France

"I think this is not useful", then giving your reasons, is far more helpful than "it seems as though this is not useful" or "I've noticed this is not useful" of "I've observed this is not useful". It's less confrontational than saying "This is not useful", which I think is the goal of business communication.

I love fresh eggs, too. For timing, I usually push down the toast button the second I put the egg into the water. When the toast pops up, egg is finished just right in my house. :)

"Is there a third kind of football I can look into?" Try New Zealand Rugby.

Not even that, he says "crystal clean". Like it's a particularly important type of clean.

It's not irrational at all. And I believe his stupid, convoluted phrase: "whether or not they experienced alleged sexual assault in the military" is a double negative, isn't it?

"Alleged hit and run" . . . "alleged victim of robbery" . . ? Um, never.

Ahaha, the kidney quote. Having your own rich white woman online media empire means you can take passive-aggressive swipes at people in your world who have been phoning too much or dropping by unannounced.

But this guy? Just a horrible human being, no doubt about it.

I developed a theory when I was in my 20s - I think a lot of people get anxious around crying kiddies because they remember when they were kids and the hammer came down: a slap, being sent to their room, yelling parents/adults telling them to shut up. They're waiting for it to happen again. I think in any given crowd

I am always confused about this; my first viewing of that video back in 2007 or 2008 came with this song attached: http://www.mojvideo.com/video-in-tango-sharleen-spiteri-in-alan-rickman/07be62972ced58b6c5f9 - if you look up "Sharleen Spiteri Alan Rickman tango", the youtube version is blocked now. Several months ago

"She was incredibly and unnecessarily graphic in describing the assault." Yeah, over and over again. DiManno is the bottom of the barrel as a journalist.

"Test pilot" for pies? Does that troll (or indeed, does Adele) know how fucking awesome test pilots are: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_pilot#Qualifications In particular, Marina Popovich, Russian test pilot with 107 world records to her name? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marina_Popovich - You go right on being a

I've been saying for weeks that the fact that it was so close is an indication there is still a whole lot of racism at play. As a working class woman, it breaks my heart that people fell for Romney's plastic crap. Obama is reviled all over the internet as Promising Free Stuff, when he is actually the one saying

Does anyone know whatever happened to Diaspora?