
What a hero! I want to make her some handmade socks, WHERE DO I SEND THEM??!?!?

Pregnant women shouldn't work out?? Zzzzzzzz, snore. C'mon, this is modern times, women!

@The Lonely Tourist: Exactly. Speaking as someone who helped pay for a friend's abortion several years ago(she went from Vancouver, Canada to Bellingham USA, thanks, America!!) - NOT having an abortion - NOT a bad thing. Not being ALLOWED to have an abortion - very, very bad thing.

@Xylo: 2000 and 2004, oops.

@SinisterRouge on Notice!: Some Obama supporters, being the young idealist college students everyone is wetting their pants over, are too young to remember all the news stories about voting machine irregularities, voter intimidation and inadequate access to polling booths for Ohio voters in Democratic areas who GOT

Yeah, I could have been more specific than to dismiss her as "deep". What I SHOULD have said was, I think it's really offensive for a Harvard university professor to make an analogy like this to a class of comfortable American law students.

Pick your lover based on who you could become a refugee with? She's so deep.

@bowlingfordollars: Holy Crap. So you have to be "interesting, substantial or highly amusing"?? I don't see anything about "Queen Bee" or "in-jokes" in that FAQ list.

@Smackdown: Yeah, I'd like to see the "naming" go both ways. Just for clarity sake.

@azi: Are you kidding? That was hilarious and to the point. There's over 400 comments in this thread now and not one person has admitted to complaining about the people now "being watched". It would be good to know SPECIFICALLY what they did that got people whining about them.

@SarahMC: I like you a lot, Sarah. Fuck, now I'm all teary eyed. I was so excited about this place and the smart and funny women when I signed up last summer, but I can't be on the internet very much anymore, shit.

@ceejeemcbeegee: I hope so, A LOT. I'm not here much anymore coz of crap and busy-ness; not being on with SarahMC, BAngieB and Sinister Rouge is what makes me gnash my teeth when I come by late at night. They're not "queen bees", they're the spice in the soup.

I adore McDormand, this sounds great. I'm so going.

@SinisterRouge: BTW, You go, SR!! I'm too busy to be around here anymore, (and I'm just a Canadian, lol) but every time I come by, you're waving the Hillary flag.

@SinisterRouge: Yeah. They might as well let off an airhorn when they say that shit on the radio, coz as the university-educated grand-daughter of a coal miner, NOTHING sounds more insulting to me than the linking of "poor" and "stupid" with the mellifluous double-speak of "less well educated".

@Andalucía: Yeah, she says "if you are poor ....... maybe (Clinton) will be more effective" - she might as well have added "uneducated" to "poor", coz it's often said that Clinton supporters are less well educated than Obama supporters (read: NOT Harvard, like Power). IOW, only stupid people "fall for the economic

Yeah, Power's apologizing for those remarks this morning, what a dope - [www.nydailynews.com] - ""In her statement, Power said her comments "do not reflect my feelings about Sen. Clinton, whose leadership and public service I have long admired."

@BinderClip: Oprah is all about an individual-responsibility approach to the world's problems. Everyone with any problem can pull themselves up by their bootstraps, apply "The Secret" and fix everything. Then, give away their riches in a slap-dash attempt to help other people.