
Probably a little harder than being a passive Internet troll, I'd imagine.

This looks TERRIBLE. Sorry. But as a former Stagedoor Manor camper I feel I should say that these camps are completely insane and absurd. They just sound a little less like an awkward adult narrated them.

This is a good post. I'm also astounded by the number of people who say 'the sorority was fun and is good for my career so it must be a universal good'. Or 'I got a job out of my sorority so why would anyone hate them'. Well, dude, maybe the person who was technically more qualified for that job but didn't have an

I don't think there is anything shameful in belonging to a sorority, but I think it would be useful if you stepped back a bit and saw that for many people they are inherently 'wrong' because of how they create prestige through exclusion and perpetuating judging people based on sexist, classist, sometimes racist

My 'Greek' argument isn't that you shouldn't use Greek letters for your clubs. It's that when you want to convey the fact you're in a sorority you should probably say 'I am in a sorority' rather than 'I'm Greek', because you're actually not Greek but you are in a sorority.

Your example of Christians is exactly the one I was going to use. But to make the opposite point.

Maybe if sororities stopped embarrassing themselves by doing stupid things, Jezebel would have nothing to report. All of the incidents in the articles involving Sorority girls (excluding the opinion piece about rushing, which was still valid) were real life things that actually, you know, happened. All Jezebel did

Oh, honey.

As aDartmouth student, after discussing with some of the protestors, and through my experience here, it's safe to say that the Dartmouth community (administration AND students alike) has never been willing to address these issues to permanently fix them. Before the protest, students did organize an event called

Ordinarily, I would agree that this is not the most effective method, blah, blah, blah - however folks seem to keep tripping over the giant lump in the middle of the rug the colleges keep sweeping this issue under...

And like the article on Deadspin written on this same topic, full of awful comments.

Very cool. She answers questions about her sexuality the way we (most of us) wish everyone would have the freedom or strength to answer. It is subtle, just as subtle as talking about your love for your wife and kids. No need to make it a hotpoint.

Most family law is governed by the state or county in which you live. South Carolina adoption is draconian enough, to be honest. ICWA is a federal law. Federal law ALWAYS trumps state law. See: civil rights. See: Marijuana deregulation in states. If the Feds decide they want to prosecute medical marijuana dealers in

as a kid, i went through a lot. i had to legally part ways with one parent when i was 12 due to drug abuse. i had a lot go on with the other parent as well. life was hard.

Oh no, I'm confident in the argument I made. A bunch of people arguing with me on the internet about a federal law they don't understand really has no effect on my career choice.

But why should the Capobiancos get to keep a kid that was never lawfully theirs, just because it had been in their house for two years? She's not a piece of property, they can't acquire the baby through adverse possession.

Dang Myrna, what did I do to you, girl? Why would I bother with an essay of a response for something that is straight up wrong? "Uhhhhh, no" is about what the original comment deserved.

No, you're actually wrong in the way the law reads. The tribe almost acts as a third parent in these cases because they are a sovereign nation who becomes the responsible party for the child after the parents relinquish their right to the child. So, if both parents relinquish their parental rights, the tribe steps

Fair enough. Bio father it is. I'm not trying to downplay the issue of NA rights, I feel like he's misusing them actually. I've been reading up on the case and it's just so heartbreaking, it's easy to get overly aggressive.

No. She's currently with Dusten Brown, her biological father. I'm not sure why people are making it seem like he doesn't have custody. He's had custody since The SC ruling in December 2012.