

So the movie is useless if the humanity is doomed.

And by saying that I lost it you lost it as well. Remember kids never play the GAME.

You just lost it...

Then get two 6870's.

Where is that comic from?


Nothing much.

So you would doom people dying constantly of variety of diseases .

Fight our inclination is to fight our nature and to that fight our humanity.

Yea boy!

So much irony in this sentence .

That's human nature, were egocentric by nature and nothing causes people to work harder than fear. And limitations cause innovation like in WW2 when Germans invented the rockets to reach country's that were too far away.

I see what you did there. You do realize that this is purely theoretical I'm using Hitler as prop for a great evil in our history not asserting that I can travel back in time. And not saying that gives you there right to kill anyone to the off chance that he may cause a genocide. Ill try again. If there was a mass

Haven't played the Alpha ( you lucky bastard =D ) But in BC2 especially it was real problem making the suppressor useless.

Coffee the new lasers? More on this at 11.

Say you had a chance to kill Hitler but If you kill him a future vaccine for a devastating disease killing more than the total of WW2. What will you choose ?

If you don't choose 2 billion die.