
Hey, Doc!

Nothing is real, everything is permitted.


If that isnt how you make friends then I dont know how do you make them

Well they have black bubbles form Incerdible I think their on the right path

You could say she skullfucked him

Grumble grumble Alex Mercer grumble grumble

Clarkes third law?

God did it!

Yes well but everyone isn't making cinematic like Blizzard.


Or too many if you have OCD

The point is to get you HYPED!


Well sorry for not constantly lurking on Kotaku to see what was posted and this trailer is so good the repost is jutified

So you're saying just because a trailer is CG it's not epic? Apperently you havent seen SWTOR trailer

What? George Carlin would have found GTAIV boring as shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker. And SR2 fun as ...tits.

There is. I believe it came with the collectors edition but if you really want to read it you can get it from you know where.

In the previous comic it's said that Death is practically invincible even War couldn't injure him.