
@Purdueable: Good idea you'll need toilet paper

Why purple?Who is it for PIMP Vader?

@MuffinBear: Do American children even know where Europe is ?

@TheShikariKid: Ramirez! Take down that Covenant Super Cerrier with your flash bang!

But their making an asteroids movie....something is seriously wrong here

@Destronok: AWWWW poor kitteh.... *huffs glue* sdkjahkbcwpm

Shes a Reaper!

@Yolky: When in soviet Russia...

@semajaral: Yes it's bloating with story's untold

@Yamato: What do you mean by "You people" ?!

@arbrown83: I like this one "Americans always try to do the right thing -after they've tried everything else."

Winston Churchill Approves

Finally some Twisted Metal gameplay