
r also needs to be raised as an exponent. [sqp(abc)^r]/c

Well, they let the taps run for a few minutes. That's a whole bathtub right there.

Consider a more extreme example. Would you defend a parent's right to teach their child hateful racism and bigotry? (*I am not comparing religion to bigotry*). If a prominent human rights spokesperson released a video encouraging people not to raise their children to be racist, but to be peaceful and accepting

Out of curiosity: how do you decide when to take the bible literally, or not? There are no markers to the passages labeling them as fact or allegory; the whole book is written in more or less the same tone of being factual.

Ooh ooh, name the other nine!

I'm not sure how that disagrees with anything I've said.


I'm increasingly bothered by the fact that the publisher is pulling the novel despite admittedly not having read it, based solely on the knee-jerk internet reaction.

I'm glad I'm not the only one around here today suggesting that one should actually read the book before condemning it. Kudos for your rational thought.

You could say "what's the point" to any number of speculative fiction works. Who cares what would have happened if Germany won the war? What does it matter that Abe Lincoln may have fought vampires?

Thank you.

I'm not saying that judging her book is the same thing as racism. I'm not even defending her book, I've been very clear about the fact that I haven't read it. I'm saying that judging the book without having read it is unfair. As skycat pointed out, reviews and word of mouth do not always paint an accurate picture, and

Alright, I feel the need to cautiously take the other side here.


Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.

I'm again tempted to wallpaper an entire room like this.

How the hell does the FINAL BATTLE not make it into the finished cut of the movie?

That's a fabulous idea, but how would we go about seeing that its use is widely adopted?

The borg were created as the ultimate villain around the time the internet was becoming ubiquitous. Not even Star Trek is innocent of technology being feared.

Why can't we just have interesting science bring us into these articles?