
It's only fair. Those of us who bought the game during launch week had to wait several days before we could play it too. Blizzard is just continuing to do their part to ensure that everyone has the same experience with this game.

This is why the rest of us can't have nice things.

It wasn't that there isn't logic to them, it was that he was a Greater magician trying to learn the Lesser path of spells. Feist does a great job of conveying the sense of how magic works from the perspectives of his magic-wielding characters. They all have different types of magic, but they all remain more or less

There's a big difference between the reader not understanding magic's rules, and magic not having any rules at all. We may not know why knowing something's true name gives you power over it, but we do know it happens. It's not at all clear why forging a ring with bits of soul made it so dangerous, but it's damn

I vaguely recall an article awhile back suggesting that they might be rebooting the series...

Quite simply: it would allow ports of all the touchscreen software that currently exists out there.

Smartphones lacking buttons definitely limits their capability, but the WiiU lacking multitouch will definitely handicap its options as well. If Nintendo was able to run tablet apps on their new console, you could definitely make a case for them beating that particular competitor across the board.

Definitely recommend this game.


Guest passes:

They point out that the cave painting was 35000 years ago, and that it was older than any of the others they've found. This at the very least implies a certain timeframe for when they were creating us.

Except that through our understanding of Darwinian evolution we know that humans are actually a pretty terrible design. We're made up of many compromises that allow for increased intelligence and walking upright, but we run into a lot of problems because of it. It's extremely unlikely that we would evolve the same

My single biggest problem with this movie was the fact that they acknowledged the existence of Darwinian evolution. Spoilers...

It's absolutely a subjective term, which is the only reason there's even any suggestion of an ethical conflict. It also means there's probably no "right" answer.

I know a lot of scientists and artists who would disagree with that statement.

Selective abortion is a very different concept from producing designer babies. You are not choosing particular traits to include or not include, you are choosing not to continue if something has gone wrong.

The lesson I took from it was that the appearance of wealth is more important than actually having it.

See but that's just it. There's always another war.

If time travelers had prevented major wars, people would have no understanding of war. You think we should go back and prevent these things because you understand the consequences that have come from it. We learn from the past.

It seems like most of Diablo III is just recycling Diablo I. Very little is added to the lore, instead we get all the background story of Leoric and Albrecht thrown back at us for a second time. We fight bosses like the Skeleton King and Butcher, who we already killed off in the first game.