
That settles it.

Duke Nukem Forever would like a word with you

I think the more common argument used is "No one tries to prevent you buying used cars, books, clothing, furniture, CDs, DVDs, houses, cell phones, pets, houseplants, or cutlery."

Serious question:

Mixed feelings. I love that something mathy is so universally well known and accepted as pi, but I can't get past the fact that pi is wrong!

So consumers think there should be a price cut since it seems like the system is failing.

Somebody had to say it.

...how wide is that tube? It's hard to judge the perspective in those photos, but that doesn't look remotely big enough for a person to fit inside, let alone slide through.

At least you have the sense to say that if Damon should be off the table, so should Stefan. They should hate Caroline, and Alaric, and pretty much everyone else. Your argument is basically that the premise of the show is faulty. That's a perfectly valid argument to make.

Damon trying to kill Jeremy was a problem, sure. No one seems to realize though that he didn't actually die. There's at least some degree of "no harm done" going on here. Every character on the show has killed people; it's so common-place that it's really not even that big a deal.

The variation we're seeing here is in the sugar groups, with carbon rings of different lengths (or occasionally fluorine, apparently). Those bits have almost nothing to do with mutation/evolution. Genetic information is stored across billions of these molecules depending on the order of their nucleic acids. The six

I would argue that this shows that a wide range of molecules are capable of serving an information storage function. The fact that DNA isn't as strong as alternatives, and certain components of it are interchangeable/not all that necessary, makes it seem less artificial or designed.

If people are consistently complaining about articles being irrelevant, I'd much prefer the editors take a close look at what's being posted, and by which writers.

Okay, seriously; is there a way to block Kotaku East?

I thought the formations of the basic building blocks had already been figured out. We know the chemical conditions and basic ingredients that allow them to form spontaneously, it's just been disputed whether or not these conditions ever existed in Earth's early days.

Price things based on their cost, not on how much you've traditionally charged for them.

Can someone explain how selling an ebook for $10 could possibly be a loss for Amazon?

What's that?

They also need to be in orbit around the equator, meaning they would all occupy a pretty narrow band. I won't claim to know much about getting satellites into such an orbit, but I imagine the process of maneuvering them to the right trajectory and speed hinges somewhat on not interfering with other objects already

-A group of aliens are trying to wipe out humanity because their religious leaders demand it.