
I'd like to know what led to the Zelda universe becoming monotheistic. For a long time now we've been familiar with the three goddesses, and their direct relation to the triforce has been explicitly stated: Din and power, Nayru and wisdom, Farore and courage.

I Played in the beta for two weekends. Right now I am downloading the 20GB install for the third time. I imagine my IP hates me.

I was by no means burning through and finished under 40 hours. I'm missing about a dozen heart pieces and I have one gratitude crystal quest left to do. My equipment and extra pouches are all fully upgraded. I'm not sure I care enough to go dowsing rodding for goddess cubes, but I'm pretty sure I would hit 100% before

I would be so much happier with that explanation if that exact shield was not an item given to you in game, and that bird symbol not already plastered across half the landscape.

I have to jump in and agree that the controls are pretty bad. I'm not bad at them, and I finished the game without any deaths.

-Casters have 2-3 abilities each, many other units have specific upgrades.

You are incorrect. He puts too much emphasis on poke-EE-mon. Spookyxelectric is correct, it is pronounced poke-eh-mon. The Pokemon Rap slips a couple times and mispronounces it in the middle, but it's properly pronounced 3 times in the final 10 seconds. Perhaps you should give it another listen.

I've never understood this claim.

How far away are these planets? The fact that such planets exist isn't terribly surprising to me. It's highly unlikely, but I'd like to see more steps towards getting us out there. The closer to home one of these planets can be found, the sooner we can get a probe out there and start planning some fascinating

I've never been able to keep these straight; who is your second cousin, and who is your cousin twice removed?

But with a bear wouldn't?

lol I'm terrified to ask

Step 1: Straighten my hair

The (undisputed) fact that some portions of society mistreat certain minorities does not entitle you to throw it in everyone's faces everywhere else. This particular community at Kotaku is focused primarily on geeks and gaming; complaining that we aren't all discussing a completely unrelated subject does in fact reek

I could easily promote this because it's a well reasoned comment, but honestly it's more because I find the term "breeder-only" hilarious.

I honestly have no idea where this article is coming from. We're all here to share in a gaming/geek community, and in my experience here, anyone who shares that goal has been welcome.

I definitely don't think it will sell as well, but I think the bigger issue is that it also may not be as enjoyable a game. Nintendo's characters have years of history to draw upon, and each franchise has different playstyles. This let them have a wide variety of characters, settings, items, and attacks. Since all of

"Sure, over the years Nintendo has built itself a tome of bankable first-party characters, but since the company is so reliant on them and uses them so often, we're familiar with them."

Good tip, thanks! I haven't been using Windows Media Player for years, might be time to switch...