
Smart planning, and doing extensive research before buying parts, you can actually build a system that lasts you 5-8 years before games start to lag on it. Many people don't do enough research or any before they buy I pc. Thinking their awesome when they upgrade every 6 months, poor planning and management on their

It isn't a matter of hardware, it is more dependent on game developers and publishers, than the engine itself. Our hardware can do such things, and tech demos prove that. The problem is, not everyone has the system required to run these engines at full capacity, majority rules, and the majority doesn't have beefy

Phew, I'm at least in the far in the green zone. Though, all these "requirements" are good and well, what the game will run like and what is required is two different things though. I mean we saw the terrible mess Rockstar made with GTA IV back in the day. Hope this game runs more stable than Rockstar's...........

Never really cared much for the lore of the Elder Scrolls Games, cool and all, but to be quite frank, it can become really tedious and dragged out, that is why I start modding the games and get new quests and what not, still a great trailer, I'll give them that.

Oh man, epic, got Commander Carter and Spartan Mark V Bobbleheads on my table, and these images would make a nice edition to my Halo collection haha.

Reading through this, it makes you question the whole idea behind "AAA Games". The only time it should be considered that is when enough freedom was given to both the visual artists and the programmers to actually let their creativity flow with it. When it does, you get good looking, and good playing games.

Rush games

Well for the most part, I figured it be logical to have a "prop" of some sort to be used as the weapon guide since they introduced the VR. Good to see there is at least viable attempts at doing it. Honestly thought this would've come sooner rather than now though. O.o

Gun control means, do not miss...

You're surprisingly calm, considering that you were playing the game and all. I almost s@#t myself 2 or 3 times during the video. Haha

I'm for this all the way, so what if you bought the game, if you break the rules, you deserve to get your ass handed to you, and get banned permanently, because if you don't have the guts to play a game legitimately, then you don't deserve to play the game at all.

They can say what they want about mods. Mods can fix games, can expand games, but most importantly, let a game live longer than the retail vanilla version.

Horrible game, art style is nice, but mainly the gameplay sucked quite a lot. Was turned off by the game in the few minutes I played it. In and out of combat.

This isn't dungeon keeper. What is this? Would've been better if they called it something else, with different characters and.........oh heck it, a different game.

Oh the irony.

Well, honestly I agree with him, but also disagree. I understand that this is causing issues for developers and publishers, however this isn't all our fault. If games were a slight bit cheaper than I do believe players would buy games more often than not on a normal basis.

There is many of us, the majority of gamers who aren't nice to games, but the real problem is, gamers in general bitch and moan about petty crap, like game endings instead of things like, buying a game that is 400 - 600 bucks and on day one there is yet another 1 - 5 gb update that you have to download in order to

Any which how, if they want more fans for Halo 4 then they should maybe look at other platforms as well, xbox exclusive is where they lost most of they're fans. Live actions are a nice edition, but won't that make them fans of the short films instead of the game? Just sayin. . .

Any which how, if they want more fans for Halo 4 then they should maybe look at other platforms as well, xbox exclusive is where they lost most of they're fans. Live actions are a nice edition, but won't that make them fans of the short films instead of the game? Just sayin. . .