
You should try motorcycles. They're like a psychotic alcoholic girlfriend that is just unbelievable in bed. You're literally propping them up all the time, they're constantly trying to fall over, if you let them stop they'll crash, and if you treat them poorly you're likely to receive serious injury. When everything

1st Gear - Matt, I've said it before and I'll say it again, but with more detail.

Because, given the opportunity, most of us would do this (without the lingerie, perhaps).

Among American brands, Buick is killing it and not receiving enough credit.

A few choice words:

Re: #9

Nick Cage, Chinese Cars, Chases, and Guanxi.... damn

how can you not list a rule for people to have some decency to take their garbage with them?? it's as bad as smoking fags in the car.

The breathalyzer that said that he should be dead was merely making a judgment call.