
You are far less violent than apparently. My initial idea involved a random audience member getting hit in the back of the headat the same time as the gun shot

Who is “Grimes”?

First time in my life that I hear the phrase “Better than Super Metroid”.

The Fightin’ 91th.

This video only exists to show us that LOST perfected it and no other show will come quite as close.

A dickhead cop, and a runner with an overinflated sense of privilege had a surprise meeting on the side of the road.... what happened next will amaze you!

I’d kill for a conclusion to the story.

I would kill for a remake/ polished for HD version of Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver.

That’s what happens when you try to fnagel your way into someone’s pants

Earnest, sure, but also dumber than a sack of hammers hanging from a doorknob attached to a fencepost.

And we wonder where teenage boys get the idea that it’s ok to be violent towards women. How about from the men who are supposed to be their role-models like this tool.

Your question should be: “How would a trained professional teacher, who has a degree to educate and discipline CHILD STUDENTS handle it?”

The cop thinks he's a tough guy because he's a cop, but in reality he lacks the skills to manage a 12 year old girl. Bravo Officer Toughguy! Bra-fucking-vo.

“Racism is bad but judging this guy based solely on the way he looks is great!”

D.C. stands for Damage Control.

Squadians of the Galicide.

Or the word processing software, Sentencé.

Or Crayola’s newest rival, Crayoncé.

I’m worried about my accounting company, Financé.

Lord help that new brand of Ouija boards, Seayoncé.