
It still boggles my mind that people will go out and spend money on a gym membership after spending thousands on new high efficiency commuting machines. You could buy a kickass bike for a fraction of that cost and move a little closer to work, two birds, one stone, and still save thousands vs the gym+car methodology.

I bought a set of 17" rims and standard sidewalls a year ago for winter/road trip usage. Guess what’s on the car right now.....

I am perpetually amazed at the fatigue resistance of metal springs. Tweak the steel chemistry a bit and apply the proper heat treat... magic. I wish everything were made of spring steel.

Sounds like the poor guy’s been going round in circles for some time now...

Excess carbon is bad. So are depleted uranium rounds, chemical weapons, burn pits for you-name-it surplus chemicals and munitions containing heavy metals. Couple that with demolished infrastructure and lack of shelter or medical services because you happen to be getting the ever-living snot bombed out of you..... how

And why, Brits and Muricans included, do we keep electing really old people? 

The lawyers are there as a backstop in case the politicians they lobbied/installed aren't earning their keep.

When the rich buy vanity plates like “UBUYGAS”, it’s hard to pity them.

Gotta use a dedicated plunger-man. Gotta file a 27b/6. Every job. Every time.

SF is a shit hole, literally. It was nice once. Having been there on occasions spanning a couple decades, I can confirm the city's direction is not a good one. Although, to be fair, they are just ahead on the curve in this country...


Steak and Shake is the poor man’s Steak and Shake, but nice try. Having been the poor man, I know of what I speak. It still it eat at both joints, though. Steak and Shake where I currently live is great - it was terrible back in college. I think the staff could only stomach so many late night drunks and psychos that

Honestly, the stock market and everyone who depends who makes their living by it should be their own ecosystem. They already abide by their own rules. If the norms could only manage to cash out all at once and set Wall Street adrift.... We have to stop defining policy and general well-being in the context of stock

Will it decimate all?

Maybe the Ring has potholes and an Old Navy?

Wellcome back Tavarish! It's been so long...

I like the new NSX, but I’d also like to own a house.... fml. The NSX has become the automotive equivalent of the current middle class housing market: too expensive for average working people and too tame for people with real money.

Scariest car I have rented yet. The brakes sounded like a dying cement mixer. Still not sure why I didn’t turn around and swap cars at the rental lot. Morbid curiosity? Oh, yeah, I thought it was just corroded rotors and it would smooth out. Wrong.

Nobody wants to acknowledge the infrastructure improvements that will underpin a complete autonomous or electric changeover, as if these things will miraculously resolve themselves.

Crash mode? I think they already come from the factory with that. This joke writes itself....