
Those door buster sales.....

Cid Caesar would be proud. Well done!

Does this mean switching off one OS when you need to use the other or virtualizing one so you can run the apps off the second OS? Actually rebooting the phone doesn't seem very practical.

Whether or no, I'm sure I would die of a heart attack. :S

Pedo bear is everywhere.

I want to mount a classic GE fan to my dash now....

This article has me imagining being attacked by a giant squid whilst wearing the suit. Wikipedia also claims that Giant squid may inhabit the 300-1000m range. Just imagine that sharp beak clawing at your visor whilst the tentacles embrace you for the journey down..... *shiver*

I used to adore these, but the quality took a nose dive. Now, I'm lucky if every other one lasts until the ink is actually gone.

Agreed. If I were the lucky one, this article would never be written.

Easy, just make the outer bezel rotate, then match it to the time in your location. A plastic card with a pivot in the middle should do the trick. They've had circular slide rules that due this type of math for decades (centuries?). Any-who, your desktop printer could make it happen.

There should be no phone surveillance and there should be no alternatives, either.

And now... your moment of Zen.

I thought I was looking at the Imperial Library Aboard the Death Star.

Wow. Did you even try this as your main phone for a few days, at least? There is no way in hell that you could have mastered your first iPhone without some patience and a little help, let alone a phone from a different ecosystem that has never had the chance to become ingrained into every pore and fiber of your daily

How many phones do you see running around naked these days? I mean, without a case?

Stop reinforcing what my fiance says! Or is it men and dogs.....

I think I'm going to install commercial toilets in my home if I ever build one.

We Germans must always stand erect...

Self driving cars are the future of transportation, but I believe they will quickly be superceded by telecommuting in the workspace.

Bleep, Boop, WWRRRRRR screeeeee cchicka cchicka.....