
5 Cars ? You are killing me man.... But here goes.

Are you sure that's $218K ?

Ok so the interior clearly could have been better than a 7.

"humanitarian and disaster relief work around the world" that's exactly why you need a stealthy ship !

I know I would get the job cause I would probably ask the interviewer if he/she would want to go around in a rally car after the interview.

Quite simply, where no one would be able to find me :P

Hey if you are just looking for lap times of the cars just by themselves the track car would have done much faster. Even if the track car had managed to go past the drifter up front, it would have won by a much larger mark. Also the drifter is tuned for acceleration not top speed. The track car given the chance will

Not at all, with the safety precautions like automatic braking and stuff coming into place - The 2032 mustang will be the safest.

So aliens can fly through all of space and come to earth and then be hit by an EM Pulse and go down.

Start with that.

Yeah there is no way the trucker would have seen a biker got the brunt of that right behind the truck. Anyways, the truck did stop. Its not like the truck just went on (damage or no damage)

Still waiting for my Forza Port for the NES.

Well i guess there is a good reason the European Brands charge a premium for their vehicles. There you have it..

Reminds me of the other time when the mother picked up the vehicle of her child..

Did anyone else notice those chrome rims on the trailer - ROFL

I like how Jalop takes criticism and even replies back to its valued ;) commentators unlike another Gawker website I know off that has moderators to kick out anyone who complains !

The are where the van went through on the left, didn't seem all that vet to me. Anyone else noticed that ? I mean come on 4wd will anyday have better control than 2wd.

I said it before and I'll say it again...


What no Nurburgring ?