Reminder: Elite, Star Citizen and EVE Valkyrie aren't the only promising space shooters in development. There's an…
Reminder: Elite, Star Citizen and EVE Valkyrie aren't the only promising space shooters in development. There's an…
I recall Spore making equally bold claims. Look at what happened there. I'm interested still, but cautious.
British indie studio Puppy Games, who are going through a bit of a rough patch at the moment, have posted a long and…
Older generations always say that they are frightened of what the future will be like once younger generations they don't quite understand are in charge, but I have to say, the future is objectively frightening.
If you honestly think that people can't cheat with always online, I've got news for you.
Humans are so last-gen. The next game from the creator of Beyond Good & Evil will let you have adventures as any…
This Xbox One-focused comic from Microsoft is both fitting for the summer and certainly makes a hell of a lot more…
It'll either be super expensive, or we'll have free Internet by then.
To all the people defending this with such vigor:
It's as though the Call of Duty franchise has collapsed into a black hole and is just pulling in everything now.
Soon everyone will be developing for a Call of Duty game. Even Blizzard's devs, somehow. All will become one with Mother Activision.
(yes, this is hyberbole)
This show is not only damn funny, but also one of the more realistic representations of every day life in high schoolers/young adults. Every episode it was either something I could personally relate to from my high school years or it was something I witnessed firsthand.
But they did include military realities like drones, vertical wall climbing, directed energy weapons, hover tanks, hover bikes, "smart grenades," and heavily armored soldiers who guard checkpoints.
I miss adorably cute chubby cheeked Cortana from Halo 4.
They were great sleepover/birthday movies and I loved them. The animatronics were wonderful and the designs of nearly everything were spot on for it's era of TMNT. You could even say it holds up now because it's campy in a good way. So it endures at something you do not mind saying you were a fan of.
At 1:53 in the video, the simulation spends more than $300 for a version of AK-47 that tops out at about $232 on the Steam Community Market.
I wonder how people would react to COD airing on ESPN instead of Dota? For some reason, I think they'd be more open to it.
>Something cool in gaming happens
>Mainstream society goes 'dafuq is this shit' and goes back to playing Candy Crush non-stop
Made by really talented modeler NG78, this custom Metal Gear Rex is a bit more different than the ones we've seen so…
It's called the Mega Gargantua, and if you see it appear on the horizon, it's probably a good time to run.
That would actually have been useful a little over 14 years ago!