
If only you knew how funny it is to call someone like me liberal. You were the one acting like I was just eating up whatever the dev was serving. Unfortunately it wasn’t really something that was up for debate. You can dislike it all you want, but only liberals think personal opinion should be taken into account in

And that is what players should do. Only buy games they support. They made it fairly clear where they stood in this. So you probably should have came to the decision sooner. Lol. Still I don’t care if people complain, just don’t act like the dev did anything wrong enforcing something they outright informed players of

You realize you’re asking me to take a player at their word. Lol. Let me explain this cause you don’t seem to get it. They are not at all obligated to tell us what evidence they had to base the decision off of. Knowing that and that they were completely in the right to enforce their ToS what do I gain by worrying

Lol. As far as sucking up whatever they barf out. I’m sorry you’re not so far removed from the sheep as you think. And that bit about the integrity bit I mean wow. I really hope you’re just making a poor attempt at trolling. Otherwise nothing I say is going to help someone delusional enough to equate those two things.

Dang it, was on my phone and missed your reply. Mine was a bit unnecessary. Lol

I can’t tell if that is sarcasm or not. But I was actually defending devs in general. If they make their policies clear and you break them whatever happens is on you. Players agree to abide by those policies when they first boot them up. Personally anyone that says something like “there wasn’t any hard evidence” is

Sorry but they clearly said they don’t ban because of reports from one incident. At what point should people just take responsibility for their own actions. Lol. It seems like they made clear where they stood on stream sniping. That pissant streamer is just a place to direct anger brought on by stupidity.

lol. Their game their rules. I get why they would try and preserve the integrity of streaming. Besides stream sniping is little more than troll harassment. Whether you agree or disagree it is well within their right. Streaming has became a big part of gaming communities and advertising for the games themselves. This

They might be a nod to the other anime. This is barely worth noting. Definitely can’t be called a rip off.

On another note I didn’t read all your character suggestions, but I caught the bit about Orisa as I scrolled. Believe me as someone that loves her unless they’ve nerfed her in the last month “I’ve been off” she doesn’t need a buff. Her shield returns slightly too quick. Not much but it really need about 2 more secs on

That is because it’s not. Focusing team fire isn’t new. And it isn’t a problem. It happens in any game with a coordinated team. Overwatch has and always will be about countering characters. Teams that are setup the way the article talked about do have an Achilles heel. Whether players take advantage of that isn’t an

It’s a lot better in some ways. Of course I play on console despite having it on PC too. It runs a little better, but there are still plenty of things they either haven’t fixed or made more inconvenient along the way. It was worth the early access price. Anyone who didn’t get it during should wait until it goes on

Ash Snorlax eating doesnt win Poke Battles.Snorlax Shuddup and hold my beer.

Don’t really play Overwatch anymore, but I had a guy tell me I changed his opinion of Mercy. I was dropping the other teams squishy dps 1v1 consistently when need be. I think too many players rely heavily on their teams protection.. Personally I loved when overconfident dps rush me. Honestly she does far too much

I’m waiting for the new nyko dock coming out later this year. It’s half the cost of a 2nd Nintendo dock and isn’t half as clunky.

I don’t normally play these, but after watching the video it might be something I’ll pick up on my PC.

The phone thing is really annoying and does make me worry about what the online multiplayer games will be like. Look at current consoles. Even with voice chat packed directly into the games a decent number of players don’t use it most of the time. Personally my friends are on Xbox/PC so I don’t even know if I am going

People already have Bulletstorm for that which I skipped. And if this trailer is a direct representation of the dialog from the game I’ll skip it too. Profanity has it’s place. This however was just uninteresting verbal diarrhea......much like Bulletstorm. The game looks great though hopefully by release we’ll see

Yea the language was a bit much. Hopefully the actual game will be great.

Great story. I use to live on Bnet before they partnered with Activision. I haven’t been back since it became Btwitter. That alone was pretty disappointing. Then all the crap along the way just put me off even more. Used to have a lot of faith in those guys. Destiny is a solid game these days, but I’ve still passed on