
Honestly it all depends on you. There is a lot to do even as a solo player. But you won’t know if Eve is for until you spend some time in the universe. I’ve played off and on for several years. Now that you can try it out as a f2p there isn’t any reason not to give it a shot. Look into Exploration, Combat sites,

Probably the only use for it I’ve found amusing. Kudos. I’d be switching out the Dpad and Nunchuck functionality. I play Xbox and PC so I can do work with a joystick, but Dpad for camera sounds brutal. lol.

They’ve definitely dropped the ball at times. I just can’t hate them. I’m kind of glad I didn’t experience the disappoint brought on by their handling of those things. I understand how bad it was for their fans. I just love Borderlands to be honest. I want to see that universe grow into something bigger.

This game was awesome. But I think the real reason it didn’t perform as well as it should have was pacing. It always felt a little off. Characters and combat wasn’t as responsive as I hoped for. I still enjoyed it, but I couldn’t get my friends involved so we moved on to overwatch. It’s completely a personal feeling

lol When you said “windy” I had to actually go up and make sure I put in the periods. I’ve been sarcastically referred to as edgy and now coolest for this. I can’t really take offense to it. I mean hating on games has seemed to be in for the past 10 years or so. Still CoDs are great games they just don’t appeal to me

Truly my amusement comes from my inability to sit down with shooter campaigns these days. I love Halo, but Halo 5 is the first one I didn’t complete on legendary launch night. And I still have yet to finish it. I just fell out of touch with even the ones I felt were decent. I really am sorry this comment became a

I don’t own it actually! It looks like a great game. I opted out because of the mess of development it went through. I used to be a hardcore Bungie loyalist though. Loved how they interacted with the community. Destiny looks great and I’ve been tempted to pick it up. Just have Overwatch and BF1 keeping me busy Xbox

That is a bit of a reach. I mean I said it amuses me others enjoy them. I hope there are things people do that amuses you too. I’m not out advocating for the end of everything I don’t enjoy. By the way my little brother loves CoD and my uncle watches every action move that comes out. Oddly enough neither of them care

I’ll really never understand why you all take the stuff so personally. I mean I know how the internet is, but I’ll never pretend to know why. As far as everything you just said I guess its a good thing you brought so much to the conversation.

You really shouldn’t take it too personally. Other peoples opinions are not a personal attack on you. All I said was that I find it amusing people play those campaigns. I can’t sit through most shooter campaigns for even a few levels. So yea because of my personal experience it amuses me how other people get into

I still think it’s amusing that there are people who play CoD campaigns. Then again Hollywood action movies never fail to pull people in so I guess it’s probably more or less the overlap in those two crowds. I stopped buying the games after BO II. They just didn’t take the multiplayer in the direction I wanted. It is

I’ll reinstall and give it another go. I enjoyed the base game. But they

I think its a shot at that practice overall. So yea they are taking a shot at past games they’ve worked on. I don’t really have the money to buy this right now. I really hope I can before the end of the year though just to support this decision they’ve made. With the holidays coming up and kids to please I’ll have to

Speaking of Halo 3. This reminded me about getting invited to the Friends and Family Beta for it. Was one of my favorite moments in gaming. I used to live on Bnet before the Bungie we know today partnered with Activision. Don’t expect to ever return to that community, but all the years leading up to it were not

I can’t speak for everyone else. But the reason I “swoon” is the thought of Nintendo properly bridging their handhelds and console. I haven’t bought any of their new consoles. Because they are just flooded with 3rd party games that are absolutely terrible. And I won’t buy them for the handful of solid titles it takes

For me this is the most appealing thing they’ve shown in 10 years. I haven’t Owned one of their consoles since the N64 unless you count my 2DS I bought for pokemon games. If this plays 3DS games I would be tempted to pick it up for that and the new Zelda. Skyrim I’ve already sunk too many hours in to care at this

It is all about the player. I don’t care what player someone selects as long as they understand how to make best use of them in the situation. I play what helps round out the team. But that is because I have at least 2 toons in each role that I enjoy playing.

Torracat it is.

I don’t give f2p games too much thought. The saying “You get what you pay for” is pretty relevant for most of these titles. I realize there is a huge market for them. That market just doesn’t include me. As to Paladins and Overwatch. The character archetypes are too similar to be a coincidence. Personally I don’t

lol. Not a reflection of his character. Yea the alcohol put the idea and intent in his mind not to mention made him act on it. You want to know the truth. The alcohol made him stop thinking about the consequences long enough to go through with what he wanted to do already. We as people own our actions and the thoughts