
Yea my kd floats around 2.5-3 across the series with about a 250-350 spm. They won't set it up to search by anything resembling a skill based system. There is a large crowd on the game that wouldn't enjoy the struggle. Average players can more easily maintain given the large number of terrible players you find in the

I am all for things that separate the good from the bad. I actually stopped playing over a year ago, do to how easy the game was. There are a lot of "hardcore" cod players that are just terrible. Pub stomping does not a twitch pro make. I wish they would go one step further and design a mode that serves as a test. If

It wasn't perfect, but I really enjoyed it. Like a lot of others Miyuki's complex I could have done without. I did feel like given what we know they under sold Tatsuya's burden. Or at least never made it come across properly.

Mean while my friends and I "a lot of them women" are just playing games having fun. The variety of games has increased a lot in the last 10 years. I don't play a lot of these games, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate they exist. Mobile games and most F2Ps I can't stand, but there is a market for them even if

I own an Xbox One and plan to own a PS4 when money allows. That said I skipped Destiny mainly because of this. I loved the Bungie of old, but have steadily been losing interest since they got into bed with Activision. After it all I decided I wasn't really itching to play Destiny. Maybe by fall 2015 I will be able to

That is the venture, it comes with built in +2 WCS. Has an ore hold of 5ooo. The new version they added is awesome. It's like the Venture's covert ops capable big brother.

I am going.................to consider this. But transactions like these must not be entered into lightly. Even if only for a month. The thought of munching on these while I watch countless anime does tempt me so.

Hell yeah, Was always my favorite starter too. Even in X I have trouble not picking him when the opportunity pops up.

My sister in Fable. By the time I reached the end of my first playthrough I was quite power hungry. The weight of being a hero was something I could not shoulder gracefully.

I'm loving Akame ga Kill. A lot of this years anime has surprised me. Usually I only pick up 1 or 2 per season. I'm currently watching probably 7 new anime on top of several longer running ones. Only having to go a couple days between releases is nice. That said a couple this year let me down with their endings, but

I read articles on Kotaku from time to time 'I miss the old review system, with the color coded Good/Bad sections'. But I never base my purchases on the reviews themselves. I wish Xbox Live had comment sections on their digital titles like Steam. Love the comment sections for games. lol

My reaction to the news consisted solely of the little amusement some people's reactions have brought me. Microsoft wouldn't have paid 2.5bil unless that have something in mind for the game. I don't know if it will be good or bad for the fans, but I look forward to watching either outcome unfold.

I too heard rumors the White House was hoarding Shinies. The fact they carted him off so quickly makes me think it's true.

I think we should start kids out on these. After back lit screens became the norm kids were just spoiled. I still remember playing huddled up in a corner under one of our lamps. The lighting was best there. :)

I imagine this is what watching TMZ is like, thanks for the insight. Sorry I only made it about 7 lines in. But I did try. ^^

I hope this is really good. I was lucky enough to stumble across Monsters in 2010 or 2011. Definitely agree that keeping it the same as the original wouldn't be a good idea. Seeing another perspective in this one could be good. I love seeing different stories told in the same universe. Guess I need to queue up

Looks really promising going off of the video. I will keep an eye on it. If the narrative, forest and player involvement look compelling enough I'll pick it up. I assume it won't be overly realistic because that would end up very boring. But I helped the local fire department here do a controlled burn on some

People on the internet say mean, hateful and vicious things. Who knew. I can't say I really suffer from the woes of these people. I choose my friends carefully and don't put any stock into the ravings of random people. Apathy is not the greatest of all evils, the people who thrive on drama just want us to believe

I actually always chose Bulbusaur. I just never let him evolve. Probably still my favorite starter. ^^

People aren't nice, and individuals are worthless. Yes I am generalizing....Can't really disagree with him on this, but I still have to hate him as much as I do the rest of the mob. Solely because he acknowledged an individuals opinion as worthless, but still wasted the effort venting. I prefer to conserve energy and