Well there's your problem. One of the promoters spent the whole time playing Clash of Clans instead of pulling in every passerby. If they aren't interested in their game how can anyone else be? ^.^
Well there's your problem. One of the promoters spent the whole time playing Clash of Clans instead of pulling in every passerby. If they aren't interested in their game how can anyone else be? ^.^
I had a bird fly into me an die on this game, so CREEPY!.......I stopped playing for now. Plus I have yet to find a way to keep the locals from bum rushing me shortly after crashing.
I am primarily a console gamer, but I did end up buying an ok gaming rig for Eve Online and ESO. I run with a GeForce GTX 760, i5-4670k and 8gb of ram. I must say I am very pleased with this coming from someone who only ever own a laptop and stock desktops. I particularly love the design of their UI and Shadowplay…
I have always been a console gamer. I recently got a pc with a GTX 760 and an i5, I bought this rig because of ESO and Eve. Its enough to run them at the same time so I'm content.....for now.
I went low with 4. Mostly because I don't think it will be where I would want it to be in my lifetime. I am glad they are trying to give us better ways to interact within games. If it ever gets like SAO count me in. Until then I would rather not be attaching peripherals to my body. ^^
All these people pushing social issues should play Eve Online. They will find a level of equality you can't get elsewhere. Everyone distrusts and offends each other absent focused prejudice.
I've been a Bungie follower for 10 years. Even I am a little skeptical of them hitting the mark with Destiny. Specially given the recent departures and their little partnership with the devil. I'll give them one leap of faith base on the history I have within the community.
I agree with you about Shinki, but I didn't ever feel like Hiyori was deliberately trying to provoke Yukine's reactions to her. And unless I am remembering wrong she didn't find out about the physical effects Yato would experience from his misdeeds until late in the arch. On a side note I really enjoyed this anime.
Interesting theory. You mustn't be familiar with the teachings of Sun Tzu or Firefly. On your worst day we get to meet the real you. I'm paraphrasing. lol
I'll pick up and play Dark Souls II at some point. But I am disappointed they didn't allow us to invite friends in directly. Not having that available will mean less replay value for me. And thus less rush on my part to pick it up.
As much as I hate having to wait for the next BL, I think they are making the right call. The big reason I don't own a Xbox One and PS4 yet is because of the way we all know the first year or two would go. There isn't enough of an install base on Next-gen to take the risk of making titles only for those consoles. So…
So you're saying that since 1-4 and 4-16 is both a 400% increase it means 4 is just as close as being 16 as it is 1. Color me learned.
Loved the game, nothing quite like troll hunting with my Elf.
It didn't launch around the same time as them. But in terms of capability is sits far closer to the last gen side of the line than the now current gen.
Mucrush you could read the entire article you know, instead of just watching the video then commenting. Here I'll post the relevant part here for you. "The game will be on next-gen consoles (Xbox One and PS4) and PC only. Ashton said that's largely because most of the sacrifices they'd need to make to get it running…
Growlithe> Vulpix?..........You are so not getting into my friend safari.
The death penalty should be reserved for those people who will go to a special place in hell. I of course mean pedophiles and people who talk at the theatre.
I just ordered a nice gaming rig, but I still plan on picking up both next gen consoles next year. So admittedly this doesn't effect me too much. ^^
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