
I play have played all the CoD anb Bf games on xbox 360 as well.And you must not have played many of the Call of Duty games at launch.Or post lauch really.Sure eventually they patched the party system,but it doesn't change the fact that every call of duty no matter how much fun I have had with them has been

Bad Company broke away from the core series.BF3 is not a continuation of BC.Not saying BC is bad I was just a fan of the core game which kept me from enjoying it.3 goes back to its roots,but changed up a lot of things in just the right way to add to the core battlefield gameplay.Sure I have a few complaints with

Well I'm getting BF3 mostly for multiplayer,but them holding out on reviews for consoles means I won't be opening mine until I get some solid info on the game.I don't mind the wait and see approach.Since we can only go into multiplayer with 3 friends if I see so much as one more issue "relevant to my playing" then my

If MW2 plays just like MW3 then its going to be a terribly broken game.I had a lot of fun playing Mw2 with my friends,but it like all CoDs lacks balance and takes very little skill to play well.We play with a team and there is no way to be proud of our stats in games like that.They spend too much time on novelties

Please don't compare BF3 to the Bad Company spin offs.They were awful compared to BF:MC.This is not a continuation of Bad Company.I played the Bad Company games to support EA,but they were sub par to battlefield standards.However yes BF3 is very much the same game from the core series with graphical and gameplay

If you are talking about the message you get in game its just to let you know you are missing dlc.I get it for not having the defiant map pack,but have no problem playing only.Just ignore the message and search. =)

My gamertag is CosmicChaos you should add me if you solo a lot.I'm on often with a buddy and we try and work together.I know what you mean about it feeling a bit different.I do think they moved the feel of the gun play in the right direction.And I am sure the reason for Rush on Metro was certainly in part to draw in

Ive got 25hrs in on the beta and I would play this buggy beta over either BC or BC2.Those were terrible Battlefield games far shy of the bar set by BF:MC on the Xbox 360.The Rush mode is going to be more squad on squad gun play in BF3 while Conquest will be the large scale vehicle warfare we are use to in the

I'm not disappointed by the Beta at all...sure its buggy,but that is expected and I am confident they wouldn't dare release in this state.The only issue I have with the game at all is only being able to search for a match with 4 players.I love the squad system don't misunderstand.Its just going to be frustrating only

I'm loving the Beta...if they smooth out all these issues prior to launch it will be an amazing game.I am hopeful we will see them all fixed before launch.That being said I'm not any idiot who relies on hope I'll keep mine in the packaging until I read some posts about the online experience.As far as not having the

That was my thoughts exactly when I got my code except the already having it bit.I can leave black ops in when I switch to reach now.Of course before you flame know it will only work that way until BF3 launches and I can retire my CoD classes for the next 6 months or so.

I had been using the preview disc to spare my retail copy.I wasn't thrilled when it wouldn't work anymore,but I didn't bother complaining to anyone about it.It was free and I didn't expect them to give me the digital copy.That said I am really happy with this.Digital copy means I can stop using both discs

You know what they say...If you have to ask.Sure there are titles that cost more than 1600 points.Those being the digital copies of newer 360 titles.Original xbox titles at least ones I have checked or purchased were 1200 points.Not to mention Crysis coming out Oct 4th for 1600 points.You are far more likely to find

My friends and I don't use these terms to describe preference or skill.Myself for instance I am a Hardcore gamer,but I like to play games now and then that typically fall under casual titles.Like Plants vs Zombies or Peggle.My friends and I spend 20 or more hours a week playing in competitive multiplayer and deep

I wish we had a decent MMO on consoles...And this sounds like a great idea.Its good to get away from the new mentality of competition where you are rewarded for just playing the game.Its like son you were the best player on your little league team,but instead of giving the mvp a trophy everyone gets one for playing

BC...If you are referring to Bad Company you're an idiot.The Bad Company games were an off shoot of the core series and far worse by comparison.

Well I believe the conversation was them buying out their competitors.I can totally see how peggle competes for the same audience as Battlefield or Madden.Seriously though if you read Amps original post you would see that doesn't apply.He was referring to EA buying out its competitors and limiting innovation as a

Really looking forward to all aspects of this game.Single player,coop and multiplayer all look like I will enjoy them alot.BF3 and Skyrim are my only predorders for this year.

You could certainly do it maybe by making two identical inputs within the system to plug the consoles into that both run out through one output on the back.Might be the simplest method,but you would lose the ability to use both at once which seemed to be this guys goal.My knowledge is fairly limited outside of a lot
