2,4,9,10......Were by far my favorites.
2,4,9,10......Were by far my favorites.
I think at least this motion control is moving in the right direction of thinking.......compared to others we have seen that is.When the whole dome displays the world around you then I'll be more interested.
I wasn't a very big fan of 343 industries before this....after it almost guarantees I won't by their installment in the Halo franchise.
Immersion doesn't mean anything in video games? Yea because immersion in games has nothing to do with feeling invested and caring about the characters.*sarcasm* Wow this guy let us know that we always know that we are playing a video game.State the obvious much?
Yea because MW2 made xbl what it is today......it had nothing to do with all the other AAA titles.*sarcasm* This is just one more reason why I am almost done with Activision and IW. I'll wait and see Treyarch's Black Ops before I give up on them.
Don't hold me to this because it is second hand knowledge,but I believe this will be part of firefight.Sorry I can't be certain.
I haven't even played No More Heroes,but I can still see the benefits of these.Particularly in photo number 2.