BMW has already done this for you. 4-series Grand Coupe...a 4 door version...of a two door version...of a 4 door car...
BMW has already done this for you. 4-series Grand Coupe...a 4 door version...of a two door version...of a 4 door car...
You mean, aside from developing an internet peer-to-peer electronic payment/banking outfit that revolutionized the transfer of money, right?
I mean, his biggest output other than the first successful automotive startup in the last 80 years or so. And the hundred thousand plus electric cars that it has already built. And the rockets that land themselves.
Beyond that, what’s this guy ever done to back up his boasting?
The subject of whether or not to warm your car up in very cold weather has proven to be a far more contentious…
I didn’t know that FCA was implementing 2-step verification for gear selection.
This isn't cross-posted. I am a Jalopnik writer. And this is about addresses which matter when driving in Japan. As I do.
The only thing that rings out of all that is that one person or group of people benefits off of the free or cheap labour of others.
One would think Google would be interested in assisting in comprehensive drivable mapping of Japan. Or is the market closed to them?
No, you’ve got to take the blame for this - the reason it’s “a thing” in the first place is because you decided to cross-post your comment hate. Whatever you might accuse Alissa or Gawker of with their click bait cross posting, your just as responsible for your star-baiting hate rant.
Interesting how opinions vary. I think that the Lexus pictured and it’s choice of piss-yellow wood in pursuit of a high-contrast approach looks terrible, whereas I actually quite like the Porsche interiors pictured. Maybe it doesn’t belong something like a GT3, but on lower-spec 911s, which are grand tourers more than…
To be fair. It wasn't at all the secret service's fault. The roads were not pretreated, and there were NO plows on the road. And as for snow tires or four wheel drive, it was USELESS in that shit that fell out of the sky on Wednesday. It wasn't snow, it was ice. You couldn't move in it no matter what you did or how…
So they had an inch of snow. BFD. Except it wasn’t cleared, and temps were right around that nasty spot where, after being driven on by just a few vehicles, that inch of snow turns into ice (note the word “icy” in the press reports of the incident...). At which point, even great drivers with awesome snow tires will…
I’m not going to defend DC’s drivers-they are awful. And not the response to weather either-in the 20 years I’ve lived here, it takes only a threat of weather and everyone freaks. Coming from the Midwest, I find this ridiculous. That said, that dusting of snow was more like ice. As soon as the snow fell, it turned to…
I live in a place with actual cold and actual snow - Central Alberta. I never make fun of people in other places who have issues with winter driving. By the time it snows for real here, the ground is usually frozen to about 18 inches deep. That means the snow doesn’t melt when it hits. It packs up and adhesion is…
This guy taking rock crawling to a whole new level.
Yet somehow it’s exponentially better than the 20 minutes that someone would rather use to take the “what Disney Princess am I?” Quiz on Facebook.
Easy problem. Just buy 3 more C63s.
not all men who attack women like this are psychopaths. in fact, only a small percentage are psychopaths. the rest are just regular guys who happen to not be able to see women as actual people deserving of consideration and bodily autonomy. there is no shortage of guys like that in the world, unfortunately.