
Let’s just put it this way. An adult mother whale can produce around 600L of milk a day her calf, but you don’t see us farming whales to harness their milk because hell, it’s easier to get a lot of milk out a single whale than many cows.

I used to just like Lewis Hamilton because I enjoyed watching him race. I’m pleased that I can now add watching people get riled up at his (pretty reasonable, considering his age, wealth, and background) antics to the list of ways that he entertains me.

I’d do shit like that if I were a celebrity - just to get the brand’s attention and another potential sponsor.

The difference? Unlike Justin Bieber, LH actually has done something to warrant the attention. He’s a 2-time F1 champion who is doing beyond well this season as well. This is after making a HUGE gamble by leaving McLaren.
He can call himself #blessed all day long and I can abide it because he’s earned the attention.

Considering that Lewis Hamilton appears to commit many fewer crimes than Justin Bieber does, I really can’t find it in myself to give a fuck. His tastes may not align with mine, but Lewis is good at what he does (which is pretty dubious in Bieber’s case) and seems to be enjoying his life.

The electric slide.

You don’t know old. :O)

Black and red. It looks like a god damn Batmobile. Someone get the Batman vs. Superman crew and tell them their Batmobile look like shit and that they should just use this!

Kids have to pay rent on an apartment when you are dead. They don’t have to pay rent when they inherit a house and they don’t have to pay estate or inheritance tax if the house is less than a million.

Only if you don’t want to sell any time soon. Interest rates are low now, but when they climb, the value of your house will effectively fall as it will cost borrowers more to buy your house than it cost you. So it’s great to buy your 20 year home, but if interest rates return to an historic level, that alone will take

Now playing

Meh.. THIS would be cooler... just get an Antonov An-225 and a really good winch... :)

Here’s a ludicrous scheme:

Wasn’t taking a shot but ok, say something funny and see if I laugh at it.

That criminal really needs to get his shift together.

That car is a piece of freaking art.

Interestingly enough, if you pay for the first Uber, they give you enough free booze to get you drunk. It’s the world’s least-profitable loop.

Normally I would agree, and I would really like to agree in this case(due to some misplaced notion about the integrity of the sport). Unfortunately the evidence indicates something different was afoot. Most telling was when halfway through the race, after everybody had shown their tire management hands and had swapped

Am I the only one who thinks that Hamilton is absolutely not selfish in this regard? He is not just the team, and he is not just the driver. There is a balance. He brought home the victory in a safe manner. How much more could they expect of him? Should he abandon the disciplined use of his tires just for the sake of