
“From ‘Mag-Hags’ to ‘Lesbian Shitasses’: The Struggle for Feminist Media in a Capitalist Society”

I will be very disappointed/disillusioned/PISSED if that doesn’t get you out of the greys!

Me every day at work.

I’m still bitter about losing my star now that I think about it.

Mine was The More the Merrier: An Examination of the Potential Effects of a Multi-Party, Proportional Representation-Based System of Democracy in American Politics.

Don’t get down on yourself for being super learn-ed and interested in the unsexy stuff!!! You rock!

This is not written by me, but i did a quick google search to see if anyone has done any scholarly work on Jez and came across this article. It has an abstract!

BTW the one I’ve gotten so far is a really strong start.

it’s an art!

I think it’s a really good reminder of where I’ve come from. That year was the worst year of my entire life. like, I broke up with my fiance about two years ago, and still 2011 beats the tar out of any other year for Worst Year. I can’t believe I made it through, and one shitty term paper that everyone can laugh at?

yours sounds so much smarter than mine does. the genesis for my paper was that 30 Rock episode where they spoof Jez

I think that was part of the point, doing the movements slowly to show control.

I HATE SOFT TOILET SEATS. My aunt had one in her house in New York and I hated it every time.

I love this show, and they really get on my nerves too.

My friend went into a Target yesterday, and saw a bunch of onesies that said “Future President” in with the boy baby clothes. There were no such onesies on the girl baby clothes side. She took half of them off the rack and moved them to the girl side, which is why we are friends.

Isn’t the Dallas PD considered one of the best police forces in the US on the de-escalation and conflict resolution training front?

I hope it’s me! Then you guys will HAVE to ungrey me on the Slot!

Diane, of course, also finds Johan to be insufferable.