
The Australian spring sale at the bottom of the page is a riot

All right people, brace yourselves. Standard Steam Sale procedure applies!

As pioneered by the greatest mind of our era, Arthur Fonzarelli:


I don't know that it's a landslide, but if I went through this same list, I'd probably give more "edges" to Wii-U. Did they even mention price? I didn't see it. It's simple for me.

I really miss the ability to co-pilot of earlier games.

The ending sums up the "console war" perfectly! Most gamers have a preference, but still love both consoles =D

I already had my amazed butter revolution reaction when I discovered the Butter bell.

But...that's not what he did, nor what happened. He tried to make a cute segway that inadvertently looked silly. How cutting from one feed to another (done by a human in a control room) informs anyone of anything (other than the fact that GT doesn't have the budget for good directors) is beyond me.

So, now we're blaming TV crew snafus on the Xbox as well?

The webz will immortalize you, first Xbox One dude. You are now meme.

Probably, yeah.

To be fair, if the XBox One came out first he would've been stroking that instead.

If you mean that as in DA BOMB! Then you are correct because this looks fucking amazing.

Could we not post flamebait-y gifs? What you said was perfectly innocent, but the gif is just asking for trouble.

It was hard even for me to see their hand raised, granted they where at an angle, but still, someone tells me to raise my hand, I don't go

That doesn't look half bad actually. Unless, there's an input lag. I really can;t see, but it seems tight and responsive? HAs anybody actually tried this? What's the input latency like?