
He meant to respond to someone else's comment above about not being able to cancel their Xbox Live through Xbox customer support. Guess it was Kinja... or he was sleepy ;)

Love. This. Anime. So zany and messed up, but fun!

No hay problemo! Glad to help =) I would add that you should pair it with others like PC Part Picker and deal sites to really get the best setup. All the best!

Yep, glad to help! Best part is that they have lists available for over 13 countries. Do check trend sites (such as PC Part Picker), and deal sites as well, to get the best bang for your buck. Cheers!

Check out Logical Increments too, they've got a nice list of parts for a huge variety of builds, with a lil' blurb for each of the parts and how they're helpful/better/required. I just completed my first build about a month back and it was awesome fun. All the best!

Hope it wasn't a temporary issue with the sleigh, them kids around the world are counting on you!

Thanks for this comment! Found out about Butter Bell Crocks and going to see if I can get some as a gift for my folks who always have to keep the butter out/put a plate of hot water underneath. Cheers!

That's weird, I live in India and I can always see Conan's clips =/

Who knows? I think it's more directed at the headline of the article, which seems a bit much, as if Jimmy Fallon wasn't having fun, when it looked like he was genuinely excited and had a good time. Oh well, perspectives and all that, * Shrug *

Microsoft Kinect games (Sports/Adventure etc.) are generally tech demos masquerading as family games, in a good way, as far as I see them. With the video above, just being able to clench your fists and accelerate, as if it was really happening, looks fun to me.

Thanks, Kinja!

I thought it looked like fun, personally - and this is coming from a 24 year-old. Then again I'm also the one who, just a few years back, would go with my buddies to an electronics store near our college every now and then and have a heck of a time with Kinect Sports/Adventure. We may have even helped sell a few with

You should give the video review (if not the whole review) on Polygon a look as well, to get some more info, handy GIFs, Smartglass functionality and more, which in addition to this review, will give you a better overview.

Unless you haven't already, read this article along with the Polygon one and you've probably got yourself a more complete overview of the system.

I'm with billysan on this one =P

I pretty much agree with what dccorona said, and would add that you should check out the Polygon review. It's got a bit of different take on Kinect, snapping apps and other features like the Smartglass app, as well as having a couple bits of info that are missing here, such as the over week & a half long controller

I've only read the Polygon (had to get read it first for the layout!) and Kotaku reviews, and I feel they actually go well together. The former is pretty positive for the most part, while the latter finds the smaller issues that the Xbox One has at launch. Overall, I'd personally recommend readers go through both to