
Aye. the rapist doth protest too much, methinks.

You’d think it would be obvious that, if anyone “felt bullied” by warnings of a rapist, it would be because he’s the fucking rapist.

I’d rather just do all the household chores myself than arguing about whose turn it is, or who does the most around the house, or be annoyed that the other person isn’t doing it right. I dated someone who'd wipe the counter with a dish rag, but then not rinse it and wring it, he just dropped it in the sink. What the

I.... never said i was making a list.

Or just broaden the definition of ‘father’ to include trans men who give birth? Seems like that would be far more logical than using a word that is pretty universally understood as referring to women. 

Uh, why not just call both “parent”? For fuck’s sake.

Every living subject of every based-on-real-life movie says the same thing: it wasn’t exactly like that.

Non-New York Post links:

calling these relationships clutching at his youth does nothing but diminish these women as otherwise impressive people just because they’re beautiful.

If you watch the episode of The Chef Show where she first “learns” that she was in “Spider-Man: Homecoming, it’s hard to tell if she’s a little high/drunk, dumb as a rock, so removed from “normal” life, or some combination of the aforementioned.

I saw this mentioned multiple times on Twitter, and thought, ‘huh, weird choice’ but didn’t care enough to pursue it further. Only now—after looking back and forth between the photo, and the headline, and the “one half of the R&B duo Chloe x Halle”—and it finally sunk in that we’re not talking about Halle Berry. 

Me, as the star of this movie trying to remember: “Yesterday, something something...FAR AWAY...” *hums a bit* “here to stay?...YESTERDAY”

I am not a romance reader, however, I love and appreciate them so very much. I am a librarian and I love my romance readers, they my favorite readers because they’re consistent readers. Romance readers will take every new romance out that month. They will take the reissues in the new covers and read them again because

No term irks me more than “chick-lit” 

I have multiple degrees, and one is joint major in English Literature. People act like I can’t read anything other than literary master pieces that are weighty and serious (I have with all due sarcasm). And yes I do read such ‘works’, but that also doesn’t make the romance novels I read any less meritorious. In fact,

Some of the authors I read are amazing. They weave in elements of engineering, Greek mythos, gender politics, etc... And since I gravitate towards the historical fiction ones, there’s that as well. My favorite author right now is Megan Frampton

The genre is so maligned that an unapologetically progressive black woman who looses the Governor’s race in Georgia by the skin of her teeth can have her background as a romance writer treated like something she should be embarrassed about, and sex scenes from her book read aloud on air against her expressed wishes.

oh god, I uh.... I’m gonna fix that 

I’ve been in a shit mood for days (New stupid birth control? Anxiety?) and this just after my husband came home from a 2 week trip, which means I feel extra guilty for being suuuuper irritated at how he slurps oatmeal because he can’t wait until it cools off 5 degrees before he eats it. So honestly, right now it’s