
I recommend freeway rest stops. I would lean the seat all the way back and grab a jacket or blanket and sleep there. They are usually fairly safe.

That is unusually honest reasoning, and also kind of ridiculous at the same time. But at least they were somewhat honest.

Truth. I got a bad performance review at my job that ended Dec. last year and I was fired 2 weeks later. I didn't even get time to improve. The employer also recognized that I was making every effort to improve based upon guidelines they asked me to follow plus extra effort. Sometimes your best just isn't enough.

This is fair to a degree. I know for a fact I'd be much happier if I won about a half a mil, $500,000 USD, and know that I'd never have to work again. I'd live the same, difference being I would have enough money and never have to work again.

I love PCPartPicker. I used that site to build my current machine and the process probably would have been a significant pain in the ass without it. I really like PCPP's compatibility listing and how it automatically filters compatible parts with what you select and how it has prices for several competing sites on it.

Until we get back to an age where it is not an employer's job market, this kind of BS will continue to perpetuate itself in the workforce.

This whole entire article is shameful and disrespectful to the average job hunter, and yet, I aqm entirely not surprised this kind of behavior goes on, especially living in a world where they hold all the cards for these kinds of decisions because it still is an employer's market out there.

For some of us, we steal because we can't afford to indulge in the media anymore if we want to pay our actual bills. I realize it's theft, and I am hurting those whose work I swipe, and it's not that I feel entitled to it, I would just like to listen to or watch that particular thing. I may or may not buy that thing

This is significant, unless of course like me, you already get HBO free as part of your cable package, and I only have limited basic, which are all my local channels because antenna reception sucks by my apartment. I live next to a river, and the river fucks with my antenna.

I know this comment is from back in June, but this article was just updated recently and I wanted to say I agree. It is the worst of everything smartphone, and gets rid of the slick look Android had that made it, IMHO, the best.

I've been reading alot of the other comments here. I have already posted how I feel about the single family member that I cared about passing on.

Honestly, I hope for you that it will pass sooner rather than later.

I'm pretty sure Target's store brand ARE Bounty paper towels because they have the same cross patterns that Bounty do, and they pick up just like Bounty, but they only cost 99 cents or $1 depending on your Target's prices. Mine run about $1 plus tax.

Not a college student, but working a minimum wage job, and I ditched my $40/month plan with MetroPCS and have a $10/mth plan on this small wireless carrier for 5 cents a minute and 2 cents for texts. Saving a good chunk of change every month. I have a HSI connection at home on a desktop PC and it works out better.

I'm not sure if it stacks or not but like Lyrrad says below, the charity gets more upfront with an affiliate link.

Pretty much my case here. I work part time as a cashier at Walmart because after a long and hard battle with trying to keep a real job, it's all I can handle. And if I have a week with only 18 hours, you bet I am going to show up for that. I've had a slight headcold the last couple days, and I have been stuffed up,

No fault there. People are fucking vultures these days, especially where the workplace is concerned and doubly so if you have one of those extroverted, after work hours events type of workplaces. I got fired from mine a couple weeks before Christmas last year because I didn't attend or participate in ANY of those

In addition to the Amazon Smile, which is friggin awesome, and has all the charities I like, there are also Amazon affiliate links. Ask an organization if they have one and if you click on it and then make your amazon purchase, that organization will get a percentage of it.

All I can say about this is that it's about goddamned time.

I've tried to. I've expressed interest in women I find interesting or who may be like me and it turns out they are already taken (husband, boyfriend, girlfriend) or just not interested. No big deal. I just end up waiting for another person to come along.