
Ussually I'm pretty supportive of anonymous, but really guys? You decide to fuck with sony by ruining MY gaming experience? Yea. That'll really piss em off and me too while we're at it.

Curly mustache!!!

Egh, nothing worth losing your head over.

@radialshifter: You, sir, are my hero for revealing that to me.

This video was both clear and neccesary to post.

You won. That's the only thing different from the picture, right? Tell me it's that...please? One of us should be living a dream...

This more than anything! Also still keep Catherine on schedule, I shall gladly part with my hard earned dollars for both.

Stand by what? You just said you stand by the argument when the very post above yours you say that it's not your point. I'm not even so sure of your point anymore and I don't think you know either. You start by saying that certain media items in Japan help cause this and then when everyone points out the hypocricsy in

The numbers don't add up, Sephiroid. Wether you want to stand by it or not, your original statement was "This is what you get, when you live in a country that helps so much in creating pedophiles." This "help" was via all the media featuring underage characters - but all that help only creates numbers that suggest

I thought Warhawk came out the same day online as it did retail? Maybe I'm just imagining that....

The analogies still apply due to what Dragoonkin was talking about more so than the situation. He was stating that it should never be illegal for someone to alter markets after market when there are many cases where it exists, as per my analogies.

I don't see the confusion on the response is there. When you first bought your PS3, you agreed to an end user license agreement. A virtual contract, so to speak. You violated that contract when you modified your PS3 with a jailbreak. The only difference between this and most is that Sony is actually enforcing their

I'm honestly more worried about the next Devil May Cry game hurting the series more than the movie.

Then just out of curiousity, what SHOULD consumers choose their consoles by?

This. Times infinity hundred billion. Squared. Multi platform games are great and all, but console exclusives are just as important, if not for the fact that they bring market competition. If everyone had everything the same, there would be no reason for multiple consoles and thus, we all lose. Imagine if every

I'd back up my files as soon as possible. When that started happening to me, I also got the YLOD and now my old PS3 just sits there and glare at me while I think about sending it in to a 3rd party to fix it so maybe it'll work long enough for me to rip the data off of it.

You're too close!

@twDarkflame: If you look a bit closer at that sales data, you'll note something is missing in those numbers. Specifically? The Wii sales data includes WORLDWIDE sales, whereas the PS2 data only includes Japanese sales. If you compare solely the Japanese sales data, then the PS2 version outsold it by almost 5 times