
God bless you for saying or just You’re awesome for saying it in case you’re an atheist. I own firearms but I hate the NRA and I believe smart gun control is a good idea. There are lots of people out there who are too stupid or too angry to have access to guns. Top that off with the number of other shitbags who are

Now playing

I am just going to put this video of my housemate’s cat playing with my foster dog because goddamnit I can’t even right now.

I am already dusting off my MRA smiting hammer. Fuck those guys

it’s less a gun issue than a depraved indifference of and and lack of respect of human life. These incidents are getting worse and worse because there is a whole population of men in this culture who have grown up to believe that they are owed something by women, that women are object to control and women are

I am seriously hoping the public relations backlash against SONY over this hits them hard enough to cause financial losses for them that will encourage them to release her from the contract. The worst part about this is that the courts decision was based on money. The music industry is filled with people like dr. luke

I am wondering if they did the film processing and printing themselves.

There needs to be an “Internet Heroes of the Week” feature on Gawker/Jezebel. I am going to be following this model on twitter and I will finally start using instagram just to follow her there. There is another really good anti trolling account on instagram called Tinder Hell. It’s worth checking out too.

His avoidance of taking personal responsibility for the actions he took after he was diagnosed are more of a concern. He is also pushing hard to stigmatize sex workers he was involved with. I am sure the MRA community will welcome him with open arms into their community as their new personal hero and poster boy.

Kind of reminds me of this:

You beat me to it. Would have wanted to see Cumberbatch as Tesla.

I am ethnically mixed. My mom was from El Salvador and and my dad was Szekely ethnic Hungarian. I was raised to always bring something homemade whenever invited to a cookout or bbq , etc... My dads custom was to either bring alcohol or meat. If you brought meat, season it well and have it ready to be cooked or cook it

Eugene Mirman and H. Jon Benjamin have already skewered this sort of thing and were funnier:

How about also donating money to organizations that help victims of domestic violence?

This will be me at the theater when the film comes out.

Could have been worse... They could have shot this in Boston instead.

Maybe he is still method acting as Howard Hughes.

I am pro 2nd amendment and have nothing against owning firearms but this shit is getting out of hand. I would just like to see common sense gun control start going into effect. There are to many of these events happening. The Chuck Schumer/Amy Schumer proposals are awesome. Sadly the gun nut brigade will be bitching

I am pro second amendment and support what she is doing 100%. This is everything the NY SAFE act should have been. I hope pro 2nd amendment moderates and liberals come out in support of her in a very public way. Those voices of those groups are too often drowned out by the NRA. I am waiting to see what The Liberal Gun