
Is it strange that I now want to date the woman this breakup message was directed at? Also, no one is ever rude to my dog.

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A groin strike is an excellent way of disabling an attacker when it is successful. The only time in which it should be used is if you have a 100 percent chance of successfully executing it. The main problem with this is the fact that men are conditioned from a very, very young age to avoid injury there. The first time

This show is a lot of fun to watch. Both leads have great chemistry and it's well written. It's a great modern retelling of "Pygmalion/My Fair Lady" . It was the only show I was watching on ABC. This is the kind of bullshit that happens at FOX (Firefly) and NBC (Life) . I am seriously hoping that there is enough of a

I treat anyone who threatens the safety and well being of anyone I care about with equal force whether they might be the type of person who might potentially follow through on something or not . If they turned out to be "harmless" they shouldn't have made threats of violence in the first place.

It would be nice to see these trolls get doxxed and face real world consequences for their shitty behavior. Criminal charges for making threats, outing them so they lose their jobs, etc... Would be a nice start. They are bunch of sniveling little cowards.

I think it might be good idea to ease the restrictions on the sale of pepper spray in NY state. As it is now: you can only purchase in drug stores or gun stores, need to fill out 3 pages of paperwork, prove you are not a convicted felon, only purchase 2.5 ounces at once, and only pepper sprays with less than .7

Should probably re-phrase article title. Some people might think the it's about lighting cats on fire.

At this point he has far more in common with Rush Limbaugh than his actual target audience.

those kind of laws are a far more effective method of gun control than bans etc... Those laws are smart gun control.

July 2011 Norway mass shooting claimed 77 lives and occurred at a youth camp.

Not only is my dog happy to hear of a dog story with a happy ending... He is also ready for the zombies.

How about "The Long Kiss Goodnight"?

My mother was born in El Salvador. She told me a story from her childhood involving a young woman from her town who was told by her doctor that her pregnancy was not viable and that should would not only probably die during childbirth but there was also no way to save the baby. She was advised that the only way to

You are now officially one of my favorite commenters on here now.

I am glad she is recovering. As for these slut shaming misogynistic dudebros , MRAs, and other perpetrators of general douchebaggery to awards women hiding behind their computers on the Internet... Here is an open letter to you all. You are bunch of despicable, sniveling little cowards. One day when your looking for a

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I am wondering if Gedde Watanbe showed up on set after misreading the casting.

that's one of those films that seems like it shouldn't be good on paper. Then you watch it 'a charming and funny. That movie has Tony Shalhoub, Sam Rockwell, Sigourney Weaver, Allan Rickman and Enrico Colantoni (outstanding character actor) .

I think there are excerpts from the zombie survival guide that might apply to this quite effectively to dealing with subway PUAs . Just replace "undead" with "PUAs" in the text and it works out quite nicely. You can also print out this photo of my dog . Tell the person bothering you in as serious a tone as you can

That is a bullshit double standard that needs to be thrown out.