Are you going to post this on every comment that happens to bash ME3's ending. Cool your jets, bud.
Are you going to post this on every comment that happens to bash ME3's ending. Cool your jets, bud.
You hit the nail right on the head. I still really enjoyed the gameplay and character interactions but something within the presentation of the game just felt off to me from the get-go.
'"Mass Effect 2 was the weakest of the whole trilogy"
Thank you so much for posting this. Catbug is amazing! You have my recommendation.
"Tool" is occasionally used as a replacement for "jerk" or "asshole" but is mostly used to describe someone who is being used as a tool by someone or something with more power (such as his boss or the company he works for).
The first time I came across your guys' website I somehow managed to misread it as "Kotaco".
I wouldn't exactly call myself a egoraptor fan but I absolutely love his take on Megaman X. It feels obligatory that someone posts this.
This looks like it has amazing potential. Imagine playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent with a pair of these on.
Seahawks Fan Who Wants A Healthy Quarterback
This is what I immediately thought of the first time I saw Emolga.
I am yet to play Infinite and I have a question.
Does the game make any important connections or references to Bioshock 2?
I played the original Bioshock but passed on the sequel and am wondering if I should play Bioshock 2 before jumping into Infinite.
What the... ? Doritos used to actually look like tortilla chips?
Did anyone else read the title as: "Meet 2013's Shittiest Video Game"?
Your words are hurtful and terrible.
What the hell are you talking about?
I always thought it should have something along these lines.
Awww no annotations on gifs? Lame.
Every time I see maps like this I can't help but think of The Lord of the Rings novels.
Am I the only one struggling to find my way around the new comment format?
Why is everything mirrored over?