
As fun as SR2 was I feel like it didn't do enough to remove itself from GTA's shadow. The developers had take the series in a different direction separate it from GTA and it worked. With the games with gritty serious tones dominating so much of the industry it was nice to see a game that just goes off the deep end and

Yeah it's unfortunate. The most exciting thing the team has going for it right now is that they are getting their Hornets name back.

Awwwww no Lillard love? :(

It has my approval.

A lot of trial-and-error but totally worth it.

I am a huge American Football fan but even so I honestly think that the name of the sport should be changed. Most preferably to tackleball.

What kind of person doesn't like Drake's journal?

+1 Awesome videogame reference

You just relieved so many of my Bioshock-related worries.

Should have added in a "/joking" or "sarcasm" or something in there to clarify that you are joking. You came off a little elitist and douchey in your comment. (No insult intended)

NOOOOOOO! New Kinja is confusing!

I honestly thought it was a screen-cap from Medal of Honor at first glance lol. On my 2nd take I realized it was Tatooine though.

I read through this entire argument and I think you missed the entire point Silver is trying to make. This is unfortunate because what he is saying has a lot of weight behind it. I hope you reread and reconsider what he has said because, quite frankly, I believe he is right.

True but TF2 has also changed quite a bit since its launch. Also the game has been running since 2007. When a game runs for six years and goes free-to-play they have to make their money somewhere. Meanwhile there is Activision who releases a new Call of Duty every year. They are already rolling in dough from annual

I didn't buy Black Ops 2 so I don't know how much customization was included in it but I played the first one and all of the stuff listed for purchase was included in the original.

I beg to differ with these two websites:

Fair enough. I was taking more of a literal approach to athleticism, not including the players' intangibles. Yes professional athletes do occasionally show laziness on the court and can be overly dramatic but come playoff time it is all worth it for me. Seeing some of the greatest athletes in the world go at each

What? lol You think college basketball players are athletically superior to those of the NBA?

I completely agree. I feel obligated to start a petition or something to have that game made now.

Yes. Yes I am. Shorter shot clock, deeper 3-balls, greater athleticism, faster pace, your team's best players don't leave after one season . . .