This is where the game ended for me.
This is where the game ended for me.
What a prune.
What a dune.
Am I the only person in the world that saved Megaton? After I finished the game I asked all my friends who played Fallout 3 what they did and every single one of them said they blew it up.
What a balloon.
Well that was way more epic than anything I ever saw when I was a kid.
What a loon.
Have there really been that many red rangers over the years? I haven't watched that show since the first couple seasons when I was a kid.
What a soup spoon.
What a saloon.
Wow. Why did I not even consider looking at the description?
I watched this video to completions simply because I loved the music. Can anyone give me a source for it?
That was THE perfect comment, right there.
Now I feel bad for making fun of Mapleton in high school.
What a dragoon.
What a cartoon.
What a baboon.
Achievement Unlocked: Lvl 3 Seizure Induced on Stranger
Lol I totally posted that comment to the wrong guy, although I do still hold Adventure Time in high regard when comparing it to Zelda. A large amount of the show's adventuring and dungeon crawling aspects are inspired by the Zelda series.