
Number 4 is by and far my favorite.

This is all I need.

But what if . . . . ?

I prefer BLU. How about you?

I just now noticed that Chan Gailey is stepping over the chains. Kind of changes my perspective on his throw.

*throws flag*

Well he was a Jedi and by George Lucas standards that's all you need to explain a character's survival.

And to think the Seahawks lost to this same team 13 weeks ago...

Every comment everyone has left so far has very good information but they fail to mention one thing. Finn's voice actor at the beginning of the show was 12 years old and his voice has changed considerably since then. Due to this watching newer episodes and then jumping back to older episodes can be quite jarring and

Now playing

There is only one thing you must do before watching the show. Enjoy this jingle!

I was just about to post this lol.


I would like to add that new episodes are added every Thursday. They are uploaded to Cartoon Hangover's channel.

The best Twitter account on Twitter. -> @__MICHAELJ0RDAN

Grand Theft AutoIV: The Lost and Damned

In the most recent Saints Row the entire story can be played co-op online. How sick is that?

The only Dorkly series worth watching.

That is only due to the motion controls and most people being right-hand dominate. If those games had classic controls Link would have been left-handed. Hell, in the Gamecube version of TP Link was a lefty and the whole world was mirrored over.

Joke...killed.....time of death......1:11PST.