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You just brought back memories of the Golden Age of The Simpsons.

The Uncharted Series was spot on with their work too. You could put in-game screenshots side-by-side with the concept art and have a hard time distinguishing the two.

I totally skipped over the part where you said the story was a mess all around, not the entire game. That totally changes what I would have said. Simply disregard my last statement.

Indoctrination Theory my friend.

Concept Art: The Game

I will have to disagree with you here. Mass Effect 3 was a great game in many regards.

Phoenix Wright: Elcor Edition

But Mass Effect 3 was a commercial AND critical success, unlike the Star Wars prequels. Why would you retcon success?

My thoughts exactly.

First Contact War!

Yeah. I'd buy this. Go tell Bioware Montreal.

She's dead. Don't argue back. No matter what you say it will be wrong.

The dark side.

Only kinda though...

Imagine a 3D remake of A Link to the Past. I want Nintendo to do this so bad!


The only way to make racism go away is to stop talking about it.

Thirded, by a Latino.

A lot of people these days don't even watch television shows when they air these days. Hell most of my friends stream all of their TV from the likes of Hulu, Netflix, etc. and have no idea what channels their favorite shows even air on.

The maturity of the show can range quite a bit from episode to episode, especially in the earlier seasons. More recently though the show seems to have latched onto catering to the 16+ audience and has been exploring deeper and darker trains of thought along with a fairly heavy amount of lore regarding the show's