
I actually liked Kaiden. I found Ashley as the second worse to Vega. IMO

It's so dark.



But what about Peppermint Butler?!

Imagine a whole game Zelda re-skin. Same dialogue, characters, platforming, combat and story but with everyone in Zelda costumes and Zelda-esque worlds.

And then I suddenly remembered that Viva PiƱata existed. I must play it now . . .

lol completely wrong gif haha

Me too crunks. Me too.

It may have been a crit exploit.

You are incorrect. That is a fact.

I just vomited in disgust.

Your Steam ID isn't coming up when I search you.

Anyone want a 75% off Portal 2 coupon through Steam?

Wow just looked at my controls and my console key was disabled. -_-

How do you even open the console?

Hank Scorpio is a god among men. By and far the greatest character ever crafted for ANY of the Fox cartoons. My favorite episode of The Simpsons also.

Missingno lol